#94 Who Are These New Kids Coming into This World and What Can They Teach Us with PMH Atwater
Dr. P.M.H. Atwater, is an international authority on near- death experiences. A survivor of 3 near-death episodes herself, she has completed 44 years of research on the subject, and has written 18 books, including her most recent book, “The Forever Angels: Near Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact”. In her quest for knowledge she has interviewed nearly 5000 people, including young children who have had such experiences, and adults who have lived their lives after NDEs. Her immersion in the topic has led her to the firm belief that the near-death experience is not an anomaly, but part of a consciousness transformation or “brain shift”. In the 80s, PMH turned from this path briefly to find out why regular children, everyday children, seemed to manifest the same or similar aftereffects of a near- death experience. This project opened her eyes to something quite remarkable, the human race evolving. The children of today, most of them are quite different from any other generation in US history. In this interview, you will learn about how the coming new world will be tailored specifically for the new kids, who will lead the way in the Great Shift from old world to new.
“A vast majority (of NDEers) never lose their sense of home.”
”They really are different because their brains formed differently.”
”They’re bringing that knowledge and openness with them.”
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Do you have a spiritual story or an experience that you have experienced or a young child has shared with you? Please contact Marla and share your story.
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