#95 Helping Our Newest Generation Navigate Their Unique Challenges and Gifts with Kathryn Brewer

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Kathryn Brewer is a Mentor, Speaker and Author who works with coaches, therapists, teachers and other conscious leaders on the evolutionary path to catapult their influence, effectiveness and satisfaction in work and life.  She combines decades of experience as a Marriage and Family Therapist and School Psychologist with cutting-edge training and a life-long connection to intuitive knowing.  Due to her personal story growing up as a highly-gifted and psychic child who struggled to fit in, Kathryn is especially passionate about working with mentors of children and youth to help them navigate the unique challenges and gifts of our newest generation.

Kathryn was an initiating member of the CATCH Grant Team for preschools and child care centers in Santa Barbara County, California, in which she modeled in the classroom responses and techniques to teach emotional skills and compassionately shift behavior of children while building their self-esteem and joy.  She designed a Kindergarten entry screening that children found to be fun and gave a glimpse of them as a whole being, not just their skill levels.  Understanding the crucial role of the first five years in child development, she utilized play therapy and energetic techniques to help young children blossom.  Through her skills as an empath, she knew what children felt without the necessity of them finding words to explain.  Her children’s book, “My Awwwsome Story” touches the deepest inner knowing within young children and takes them on a journey that makes real for them their connection to all that exists and validates their urge to make the world a better place.

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Do you have a spiritual story or an experience that you have experienced or a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!