#66 "Heaven is Beautiful: How Dying Taught Me That Death is Just the Beginning," With Peter Panagore
Audible Best-Selling Author of Heaven Is Beautiful: How Dying Taught Me That Death is Just The Beginning, entrepreneur and ordained pastor, Rev. Peter Baldwin Panagore, MDiv, broadcast for fifteen years for daily two minute spot on two NBC TV stations with Daily Devotions TV just before the morning’s weather. Storytelling, communicator, public speaker, pastor, and storyteller, Peter had a thirty million views annually on TV (Nielsen Ratings) and uncounted listeners on FM and AM across Maine and New Hampshire, and around the nation.
Peter graduated from Yale University where he completed his MDiv with a focus on the practices and writings in the classics of western mysticism.
A two-time Near-Death Experiencer, Peter, first died in 1980 of hypothermia while ice climbing in Banff Provincial Park in Canada, and then again of a heart attack in 2015, just as Hampton Roads, HarperCollins Canada, Guidepost’s, Jaffa Kiado, Audible, Brilliance Audio, Kindle, Audible, and Nook, released Heaven Is Beautiful globally. In 2020, Heaven Is Beautiful was optioned as a feature film.
Peter Panagore’s Maine Best Seller, Two Minutes for God: Quick Fixes for the Spirit published with Simon & Schuster is a daily inspirational with stories drawn from among the seventeen hundred he wrote and broadcast each day. Peter’s at work on his third book with the working title, Modern Mysticism and You.
Peter’s been interviewed on Fox and Friends, Coast to Coast AM, Canada’s Drew Marshall Show, and recently by Buddha at the Gaspump. He wrote his blogs on Huffington Post’s Blogspot for a decade, and published one hundred and fifty sermons in Homiletics, and has practiced kundalini yoga, and heartful mediation for forty years. He ran First Radio Parish Church of America for fifteen years with a charitable in-kind broadcast budget of one million dollars a year’s given by two commercial TV stations.
“We fall short of the perfection of God but not the love”
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