#65 How a Simple Meditation Technique Can Change Lives with Kelvin Chin

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Kelvin Chin Stress Management & Meditation Expert

Kelvin Chin is Executive Director & Founder of the “Turning Within” Meditation and Overcoming the Fear of Death Foundations. He is an internationally recognized meditation teacher featured in Business Insider, Newsweek, Kaiser Health News, and has taught meditation at West Point and in the U.S. Army and Air Force, including on the DMZ in Korea. Kelvin has been meditating for 50 years, and has taught meditation for 46 years to thousands from age 4-94 in over 30 countries. His students have included U.S. service members, veterans, Iraq War contractors, and Gold Star families, as well as Buddhist monks, Christian clergy, business executives, healthcare workers, and children. He regularly helps clients with PTSD, anxiety, depression and sleep disorders, especially those who have lost loved ones.

Kelvin teaches a meditation technique that is easy and effortless, with no cultural or lifestyle trappings, practiced twice daily for 10-15 minutes, with lifelong client support. The technique offers a solution that helps people live their lives more fully now, giving them a sense of greater control over their future. He has also had many experiences “piercing the veil,” and his past life memories reach back centuries. So, in addition, Kelvin can speak about “Afterlife and Reincarnation Experiences.”

Kelvin is the author of the best-selling book Overcoming the Fear of Death: Through Each of the 4 Main Belief Systems — a nonreligious approach to the 4 Beliefs that underlie all religious and cultural beliefs. He is a graduate of Dartmouth, Yale and Boston College Law, and has lived in 7 countries.

Meditation is about unfolding ourselves by turning within and allowing our mind to experience itself.
— Kelvin Chin

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