#43 Sacred Acoustics: How Sound Facilitates Healing the Heart with Karen Newell

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As an innovator in the emerging field of brainwave entrainment audio meditation, Karen Newell empowers others in their journeys of self-discovery. Using Sacred Acoustics recordings, she teaches how to enter and engage your own consciousness in order to connect to inner guidance, achieve inspiration, improve wellness and develop intuition. Her lifelong interest in ancient cultures and sacred sites catalyzed her drive to understand the purpose of our existence. She became fascinated with esoteric spiritual texts and sought alternate explanations for humanity’s collective history. In her search for answers, it was clear that direct experience is crucial. She was intrigued by accounts of ancient mystery schools, where initiates were led through a series of trials to learn the secrets of the universe. With no modern mystery school to attend, she enrolled in hands-on experiential courses to investigate and develop such skills as lucid dreaming, astral travel, telepathy, remote viewing, self-hypnosis, and different forms of energy healing, which bolstered her strong sense of inner knowing and alignment to her higher nature. With focused dedication, she evaluated different theories and techniques through experiments in her daily life. Using this body of personal evidence, she cultivated a personal knowing, not only of the reality of the spiritual realm, but also a facile expertise in living that life of daily connection with universal consciousness. Among her greater attributes is the rare skill of discernment, of being able to separate the wheat from the chaff in navigating a pathway towards truth. Meditation and heart awareness were central elements to her many different subjects of study. Her most successful forays into consciousness involved listening to sounds such as gongs, crystal bowls and tuning forks. Recordings containing binaural beats were particularly effective at minimizing distracting thoughts and restlessness, allowing her to finally reach the expanded states of awareness she sought. Karen joined with Kevin Kossi to create original recordings unmatched by any others either of them had experienced. Together, they created Sacred Acoustics. At international workshops presented with best-selling author Dr. Eben Alexander, Karen demonstrates key practices of consciousness exploration: heart awareness, intention, maintaining neutrality, emotional management and cultivating internal knowing. She is co-author with Dr. Alexander of their latest book, Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness. During 26-years working in the magazine and newspaper publishing field, Karen held key leadership positions involved with the direction and management of technology transitions faced by the print industry. Her business skills include web development, desktop publishing, communications, information technology, project management and strategic planning.

In this interview Karen and I discuss the evidence of how sound can have the ability to aid in healing the emotional and physical body.

Hardships are a part of life and how we learn. We can choose to learn with grace, or we can choose to learn with fight and resistance.
— Karen Newell

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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#42 The Relationship Between Science, Plant Medicine, Spirituality and Healing with Dr. Joe Tafur

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Dr. Tafur has been an Integrative Medicine activist throughout his medical career - while in medical school at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine, and during his Family Medicine Residency at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). While a resident, he collaborated on research projects with the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine and the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine.  After residency, Dr. Tafur subsequently completed a two-year Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at the UCSD Department of Psychiatry under psychoneuroimmunology expert Dr. Paul Mills. 

Dr. Tafur has observed that modern medicine struggles with certain mental and psychosomatic health problems because the system fails to address the emotional and spiritual dimensions of these illnesses. Under the guidance of master shamans, Dr. Tafur has learned about the importance of acknowledging the emotional body and its role in modern disease, and how spiritual approaches can be used to heal the emotional body and, in turn, the mind and physical body.

In Peru, Dr. Tafur learned how Ayahuasca shamanism (a ceremony involving the use of Ayahuasca, a traditional medicinal Amazonian plant known for its spiritual properties) could be used to heal the emotional body. After observing hundreds of people experience this kind of spiritual and emotional healing, Dr. Tafur recognized the broader value of spiritual healing techniques.

Dr. Tafur is the author of The Fellowship of the River, a fascinating account of his journey through the Amazon jungle as he comes to understand how psychoactive plants interact with the complex network that connects our minds and hearts to our physical anatomy. Dr. Tafur serves on the board of Modern Spirit, a non-profit organization dedicated to demonstrating the value of spiritual healing in modern healthcare by illuminating the intersection between biology, emotion, and spirituality.

In this third interview with Dr. Tafur, we discuss the science behind plant medicine, and why it can be so effective at addressing the root causes of emotional trauma.

Science is not medicine. It is important, but it is not medicine. Medicine heals, even spiritual medicine and science should not limit healing works.
— Dr. Joe Tafur

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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#39 The Love, The Gift and The Responsibility with Dr. Joe Tafur

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Dr. Tafur has been an Integrative Medicine activist throughout his medical career - while in medical school at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine, and during his Family Medicine Residency at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). While a resident, he collaborated on research projects with the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine and the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine.  After residency, Dr. Tafur subsequently completed a two-year Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at the UCSD Department of Psychiatry under psychoneuroimmunology expert Dr. Paul Mills. 

Dr. Tafur has observed that modern medicine struggles with certain mental and psychosomatic health problems because the system fails to address the emotional and spiritual dimensions of these illnesses. Under the guidance of master shamans, Dr. Tafur has learned about the importance of acknowledging the emotional body and its role in modern disease, and how spiritual approaches can be used to heal the emotional body and, in turn, the mind and physical body.

In Peru, Dr. Tafur learned how Ayahuasca shamanism (a ceremony involving the use of Ayahuasca, a traditional medicinal Amazonian plant known for its spiritual properties) could be used to heal the emotional body. After observing hundreds of people experience this kind of spiritual and emotional healing, Dr. Tafur recognized the broader value of spiritual healing techniques.

Dr. Tafur is the author of The Fellowship of the River, a fascinating account of his journey through the Amazon jungle as he comes to understand how psychoactive plants interact with the complex network that connects our minds and hearts to our physical anatomy. Dr. Tafur serves on the board of Modern Spirit, a non-profit organization dedicated to demonstrating the value of spiritual healing in modern healthcare by illuminating the intersection between biology, emotion, and spirituality.

This second interview with Dr. Tafur further explores the practice of plant medicine as a transformative method of self-healing, with insights into how one can achieve continuous and lasting spiritual healing and growth.

Spiritual practice is spiritual healing, and spiritual healing is spiritual practice, and both can help to heal the emotional body and in turn, the mind-body.
— Dr. Joe Tafur
In this next wave of consciousness, the purpose of spiritual practice is to nourish our spiritual well-being.
— Dr. Joe Tafur


  • Dr. Joe Tafur describes the ideal conditions for the use of Ayahuasca.

  • Ayahuasca has been transformative for many people, but it is not for everyone. Dr. Tafur describes those candidates/situations that may not be an appropriate fit for plant medicine. He emphasizes that plant medicine should not be considered a quick fix.

  • Dr. Tafur talks describes the conditions and practices that support lasting spiritual benefits of Ayahuasca.

  • Dr. Tafur explains how “The Love”, “The Gift” and “The Responsibility” apply to the importance of commitment in the use of plant medicine.

  • In addition to fully becoming immersed in indigenous culture, there are other ways to explore Ayahuasca. Dr. Tafur recommends www.iceers.org as a good source of guidelines.

  • Dr. Tafur offers encouraging insights about how spiritual practices are starting to become integrated into western medicine.

  • Click on the image below to view Dr. Tafur’s book:


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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#38 What a Medical Doctor Learned in the Jungles of Peru with Dr. Joe Tafur

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Dr. Tafur has been an Integrative Medicine activist throughout his medical career - while in medical school at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine, and during his Family Medicine Residency at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). While a resident, he collaborated on research projects with the UCLA Center for East-West Medicine and the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine.  After residency, Dr. Tafur subsequently completed a two-year Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at the UCSD Department of Psychiatry under psychoneuroimmunology expert Dr. Paul Mills. 

Dr. Tafur has observed that modern medicine struggles with certain mental and psychosomatic health problems because the system fails to address the emotional and spiritual dimensions of these illnesses. Under the guidance of master shamans, Dr. Tafur has learned about the importance of acknowledging the emotional body and its role in modern disease, and how spiritual approaches can be used to heal the emotional body and, in turn, the mind and physical body.

In Peru, Dr. Tafur learned how Ayahuasca shamanism (a ceremony involving the use of Ayahuasca, a traditional medicinal Amazonian plant known for its spiritual properties) could be used to heal the emotional body. After observing hundreds of people experience this kind of spiritual and emotional healing, Dr. Tafur recognized the broader value of spiritual healing techniques.

Dr. Tafur is the author of The Fellowship of the River, a fascinating account of his journey through the Amazon jungle as comes to understand how psychoactive plants interact with the complex network that connects our minds and hearts to our physical anatomy. Dr. Tafur serves on the board of Modern Spirit, a non-profit organization dedicated to demonstrating the value of spiritual healing in modern healthcare by illuminating the intersection between biology, emotion, and spirituality

In this episode Dr. Joe Tafur details how plant medicine, specifically Ayahuasca, can act as a portal to mystical experiences and can help many find profound emotional healing.

One can initiate forgiveness in the brain, however true healing cannot be found until you are able to forgive in your heart.
— Dr. Joe Tafur


  • Joe gives us a glimpse into how plant medicine and different modalities helped get him through a difficult time in his life. This personal experience was the catalyst that lead him to dedicating much of his career to the study of plant medicine. 

  • Joe explains what Ayahuasca is, how it is used and what to expect during a ceremony. 

  • Through the lens of his many years of experience, Joe explains how he believes Ayahuasca can often times be a gateway to profound emotional healing.

  • Click on the image below to see Dr. Tafur’s book:


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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#37 Plant Medicine and the Path to Healing and Wholeness With Dr. Jeff McNairy

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Dr. Jeff McNairy is the Chief Medical Officer at Rythmia Life Advancement Center in Costa Rica. He has a doctorate in Psychology and a masters degree in Public Health from UCLA. Dr. McNairy has been working in the health care field for 25 years in a variety of medical environments and has seen the struggle individuals have when actually trying to heal. He has found that the current Western system of heath care is deficient in healing the population as it is more concerned with managing symptoms and using external sources for “change.” Through Dr. McNairy’s intense experience with the most desperate patient populations (those suffering from addiction, acute mental health issues and trauma), he has seen that the only real healing can come from within.

In this fascinating interview, Dr. McNairy shares the journey that led him to his current position as Chief Medical Officer at Rythmia, a medically licensed wellness retreat facility in Costa Rica which specializes in a number of breakthrough modalities for life transformation, including yoga, breathwork and medically supervised plant medicine. His explanation of how plant medicine works in the brain to help heal past wounds and traumas is riveting.

We believe that all cause of unease is related to being unplugged from the true self, whether that’s anxiety, depression, addiction, all kinds of mental health issues... also illnesses, auto immune disorders... a big part of it is not being united with the actual, true self.
— Dr. Jeff McNairy
The soul contract that you have with yourself in your life is with this “little you”; it’s the authentic you... it represents who you really are...
— Dr. Jeff McNairy


  • Dr. Jeff McNairy explains how his early interests in medical anthropology, ethno-botany and indigenous cultures led him to pursue multiple degrees and clinical experiences in order to arrive where he is today.

  • Jeff describes the process in which young children “split” or dissociate from their true selves, which can ultimately result in addiction and a multitude of illnesses and pathologies.

  • Jeff’s describes the amazing transformation of one of his more challenging patients, leading Jeff to explore the use of plant medicine by indigenous cultures and ultimately establish Rythmia in Costa Rica.

  • He explains how Ayahuasca (a form of plant medicine) works in the brain in order to enable people to reconnect with their authentic selves and heal themselves. He uses his own experience to illustrate.

  • Jeff and Marla emphasize how Ayahuasca is not for everyone and should only be administered under medical supervision.

  • Jeff offers insights on a number of topics… the wisdom of young children, the amazing gifts that autistic children possess, and the crucial role that empathy plays in changing the world.

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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#36 Lessons of Love During a Transformative NDE With Tricia Barker

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Tricia Barker experienced a profound near-death experience during her senior year of college, and this experience guided her to teach overseas, in public schools, and at the college level. The story of her near death experience has been featured on I Survived:  Beyond and Back, Season 1, Episode 5, National Geographic’s April 2016 article “The Crossing,” the cover story for Simple Grace Magazine, an article in Women’s World MagazineCoast to Coast AM, and featured on The Doctor Oz Show.

Tricia’s memoir, “Angels in the OR: What Dying Taught Me About Healing, Survival, and Transformation” tells the story of her near-death experience, teaching mission, and eventual triumph over childhood trauma and sexual assault. The book also focuses on the importance being of service to the world. She believes that joy, humor, and healing are available to everyone through a deeper connection to divinity. Her book can be ordered HERE, and is also available through Audible.

Tricia is a graduate of The University of Texas. She also received her MFA in Creative Writing from Goddard College. Currently, she teaches English and Creative Writing at a beautiful community college in Fort Worth, Texas. She interviews other near-death experiencers, researchers, healers, spiritual teachers, and mediums on her YouTube Channel. Tricia’s poetry and essays have been published in several publications including The BinnacleThe Paterson Literary Review, and The Midwest Quarterly.

Tricia’s capacity for love and joy is clearly evident in this captivating podcast episode, in which she describes her NDE in vivid detail and explains how she found her life purpose and changed the way she views the world as a result of her visit to the other side.

That was the best moment of my life; the closer I got to God the more peace I felt, the more loved I felt, the more I felt okay as myself.
— Tricia Barker
Love should be our legacy... everything we take with us is made of love.
— Tricia Barker


  • Tricia describes in detail the NDE she experienced when her heart stopped while undergoing spinal surgery after a car accident… what she saw, how she felt, and the important lessons she learned.

  • While in an NDE state she experienced a consciousness that was stronger than anything she had known while alive.

  • She describes in detail the all-encompassing sense of love, peace and safety she felt as she got closer to God.

  • Her life review gently revealed things about herself and others that would change how she approached life and the many people she encountered.

  • During her NDE Tricia realized she would become a teacher, which was something she never expected of herself.

  • Tricia describes how she is best able to connect with her students, many who come from underprivileged backgrounds.

  • The importance of love above all else was the most important message Tricia took away from her near-death experience.

  • You can read about Tricia’s NDE in detail in her BOOK, “Angels in the OR”.

  • Tricia is hosting a free online NDE Summit on August 2-3. Click HERE for more information.

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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#35 A Transformative Journey with the Beings of Light with Dr. Ingrid Honkala, PhD, Part 2

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Dr. Ingrid Honkala, Ph.D. became aware of other life dimensions from her near-death experience at the age of two and was gifted with the wise input of Beings of Light. This helped her face the challenges of growing up in her native Colombia and finding her destiny as a scientist and a giver of Light. Her worldwide oceanographic surveys and her love for travel have brought her to visit 56 countries. Throughout her journey, she faced deadly war zones, underwater explorations, and time at a NASA research center. She learned any human experience can be illumined from within. 

In her autobiography, “A Brightly Guided Life: How a Scientist Learned to Hear her Inner Wisdom,” Ingrid details her amazing journey with the Beings of Light. 

In this second of two interviews, Ingrid describes her life following her early childhood NDE, her struggles with feeling different and alone, and how the Beings of Light guided her through many challenges in order to find the answers she sought so that she could ultimately fulfill her life purpose. This interview is filled with profound wisdom and insight about the deep importance of love and connection with each other and the universe.

None of this happened TO me, it happened FOR me, so I can be where I am today.
— Dr. Ingrid Honkala, PhD
We have always been that light, we have always been the children of God; we just got distracted.
— Dr. Ingrid Honkala, PhD
All of this was so you can bring back the message of the power of connection.
— Dr. Ingrid Honkala, PhD, as told to her by the Beings of Light


  • Following her near death experience as a small child, Ingrid initially wanted just to sleep. This is where she first began to see shining starlight figures, which she called “Beings of Light”.

  • As she continued to see and communicate with these beings throughout her childhood, she felt different from others, and struggled to connect with her peers and those around her.

  • The Beings of Light explained that it would take many years for her to understand why she had been chosen to have this experience. But it was clear that her purpose would ultimately be about helping others.

  • Ingrid experienced many challenges in her life. She connected with an amazing psychologist who helped her to make sense of her experiences.

  • Just as she had been told by the Beings of Light, it took 20 years before Ingrid was fully able to have her questions answered and her destiny become clear.

  • Ingrid describes the profound importance of love and connection, and how we all need to work together in order to make a difference.

  • Click on the image below to view Ingrid’s book on Amazon:

Click on the image above to view book at Amazon.

Click on the image above to view book at Amazon.


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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#34 Illuminated by The Light - An NDE At Two Years Old with Dr. Ingrid Honkala, PhD (Part 1)

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Dr. Ingrid Honkala, Ph.D. became aware of other life dimensions from her near-death experience at the age of two and was gifted with the wise input of Beings of Light. This helped her face the challenges of growing up in her native Colombia and finding her destiny as a scientist and a giver of Light. Her worldwide oceanographic surveys and her love for travel have brought her to visit 56 countries. Throughout her journey, she faced deadly war zones, underwater explorations, and time at a NASA research center. She learned any human experience can be illumined from within. 

In her autobiography, “A Brightly Guided Life: How a Scientist Learned to Hear her Inner Wisdom,” Ingrid details her amazing journey with the Beings of Light. 

In this first of two interviews, Ingrid describes in vivid and compelling detail what she saw and felt while in a near-death state as a small child, and how her life was profoundly transformed as a result of her NDE.

I went from a state of horror to a state of absolute peace and serenity.
— Dr. Ingrid Honkala
Now I am in the silence, I am in the space of well-being, I am surrounded by the light.
— Dr. Igrid Honkala


  • Ingrid describes in vivid detail her experience of drowning in a well when nearly 3 years old.

  • Her NDE was an experience in contrasts, going from dark to light, noisy to silent and from being sickly to experiencing profound well-being.

  • She was revived by her mother giving her CPR and had no choice to return to her previous state, despite her desire to stay on the other side where she felt, for the first time, a sense of being home.

  • Ingrid experienced a strong sense of not belonging after her NDE… not recognizing herself, and being unable to relate to other children.

  • She possessed new abilities after her NDE that she’d never had before, including the ability to read and write and do mathematical calculations not typical for children her age, yet she did not have the language to describe what was happening to her.

  • She had out-of-body experiences following the NDE, and realized that the door had opened and never closed.

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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#33 Grief To Growth With Brian Smith

Brian Smith is a certified life coach, a grief guide, and a small business consultant. Brian's mission is to help others by sharing lessons he has learned from decades of experience and study.

Brian became well acquainted with grief in 2015 after the sudden passing of his fifteen-year-old daughter Shayna. After Shayna's passing, Brian felt his life was over. He had to learn to survive for the sake of his wife, Tywana, and their daughter, Kayla. Brian has studied the nature of life and death and how to progress through grief.

In his grief work, Brian provides a safe space where you can safely share what you are experiencing.  Brian share techniques that he discovered and developed after his devastating loss. Perhaps most importantly, he can help you understand that death is not goodbye and that your relationship with your loved one can continue. His understanding is not a religious-based belief, but a position arrived at based on reason and evidence.

Shortly after Shayna transitioned, Brian discovered Helping Parents Heal, a non-profit peer-to-peer support group for parents of children who have passed. Brian volunteers with Helping Parents Heal and is a leader of the Helping Parents Heal Online group. Brian has worked with hundreds of parents who have lost children. Brian is a member of the Board for Helping Parents Heal. He volunteers for the SoulPhone foundation.

Brian is on the board of the SoulPhone Foundation and Helping Parents Heal. Brian is the author of "Grief 2 Growth: Planted. Not Buried." He is the host of the Grief 2 Growth podcast. You can find Brian at www.grief2growth.com.


  • Brian shares his journey of childhood and his fear of death.

  • Brian explains how he needed to know so much more, and how his quest for the truth began.

  • He shares his journey after the tragic passing of his daughter.

  • In his purpose of helping others Brian has created the podcast and written the book: “Grief To Growth” (click image below to view on Amazon):

  • He also shares his work with Helping Parents Heal.

  • Brian Smith’s book:

Click above to view book on Amazon.

Click above to view book on Amazon.


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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#32 The Forever Angels - Children and the Near Death-Experience With PMH Atwater

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Dr. P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. is an international authority on near death experiences. A survivor of 3 near-death episodes herself, she has completed over 44 years of research on the subject, and has written 18 books, including her most recent book, “The Forever Angels: Near Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact”. In her quest for knowledge she has interviewed over 5000 people, including young children who have had such experiences, and older adults who have lived their lives after NDEs. Her immersion in the topic has led her to the firm belief that the near-death experience is not an anomaly, but part of a consciousness transformation or “brain shift”.

In this interview, you will learn about the many ways that people who have experienced NDEs, particularly the very young, experience the world differently than the rest of us. Dr. Atwater’s enthusiasm for her subject knows no bounds!

A vast majority (of NDEers) never lose their sense of home.”

”They really are different because their brains formed differently.”

”They’re bringing that knowledge and openness with them.
— P.M.H. Atwater, on early NDEers


  • Dr. Atwater describes the in-depth research she has done on people experiencing NDEs.

  • Her most recent book is “The Forever Angels: Near Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact”.

  • Children process near-death experiences much differently than adults do. Without a sense of what life was like prior to an NDE, they have no sense of “before”.

  • She describes some of the challenges these children have as they try to compensate for their experience, including trouble bonding with family, fitting in at school and with friends.

  • An early NDE is like a “jump-start” to the brain, and to the sensory system.

  • PMH provides fascinating statistics about the IQs of many NDEers.

  • Sadly, many NDEers experience suicidal ideation as they long to “go back”, in spite of outward appearances of success.

  • P.M.H. suggests ways for early NDEers to reinforce and validate their experiences, including the use of visualization, and by “writing their book”.

  • P.M.H. talked about IANDS (International Association for Near Death Experiences) and the incredible work they are doing as a global community to provide access to information about NDEs.

  • Marla announced the upcoming IANDS live online conference taking place of August 14 to August 16. PMS Atwater will be speaking at the conference on Augest 15th from 10AM to 11AM PST. Click HERE for a link to the conference website.

  • There is much more information regarding NDEs and more on Dr. Atwater’s website, including links to her books as well as a free monthly newsletter.

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Do you have a spiritual story or an experience that you have experienced or a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#31 Beautiful Survival Story After a Suicide Attempt and Profound NDE with Chris Batts

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Chris Batts is the author of “Boom! The Life and Times of a Suicide Near Death Experiencer”. After a suicide attempt resulting in an NDE, Chris met guardian angels in spiritual realms and he learned his purpose in life.

Chris is a para educator and para translator for special education children.

In this interview we will talk about Chris’s difficult childhood, growing up in foster homes and eventually not wanting to continue living in the earthly realm. His NDE changed his life profoundly when he was told by the divine that we are all loved, and much more!


  • Chris shares with us his difficult childhood and how it resulted in suicidal thoughts.

  • Chris talks about his profound NDE where he met “God” and divine beings including angels.

  • Chris explains how his life changed forever after this experience, knowing that his true purpose was to let the world know that they are loved.

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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#30 Lightning Strikes and a Musician is Born with Dr. Tony Cicoria

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Dr. Tony Cicoria is a part time board certified Orthopedic Surgeon in Maine, former Chief of Orthopedics at Chenango Memorial Hospital, Norwich, New York, and Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopedics at SUNY Upstate Medical School in Syracuse. He received his BS in Biology from The Citadel and is a graduate of the Medical University of South Carolina (MD, PhD) and the University of Virginia Orthopedic Surgery Residency.

Dr. Cicoria had the unfortunate (or fortunate) luck of being struck by lightning in 1994 while speaking on a public telephone during a family reunion near Albany, NY. As a result of the lightning, Dr. Cicoria had a near death and out of body experience (NDE, OBE) and became a sudden savant for classical piano music and composition. Because of his unusual introduction to the world of music, Dr. Cicoria has been featured in various magazines and was featured in Dr. Oliver Sacks’ book “Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain”. Tony has given numerous recitals featuring music that he has composed, and has appeared in various television presentations around the world. He published his first works on a CD entitled “Notes From an Accidental Pianist” through CDBaby.com, and is currently working on a book about his experience called “On the Other Side of Life”

In this follow-up to the previous interview, Dr. Cicoria describes the sudden emergence of musical gifts that become available to him following his near death experience resulting from being struck by lightning.

The music from the dream went through a lot of trouble to get here, the least you can do is write it.
— Dr. Oliver Sacks, as told to Dr. Tony Cicoria
I truly felt like I had tuned into a frequency and the music was downloaded into my head.
— Dr. Tony Cicoria


  • After being struck by lightning and a vivid near death experience, Dr. Tony Cicoria developed an insatiable craving for classical piano music, something that had previously held no interest for him.

  • He describes a powerful dream in which he was performing music in a concert hall. Upon awakening, the music continued to play in his head for a long time.

  • Urgently searching for a way to play his music, he took music lessons from a Julliard-trained teacher and attended an adult music camp, “Sonata” in Vermont.

  • In 2006 he was introduced to Dr. Oliver Sacks, a British neurologist who wrote “Awakenings”. Dr. Sacks strongly encouraged Tony to find a way to write the music, which he ultimately was able to do.

  • After Dr. Sacks published an article in the New Yorker, there was a lot of interest in Tony’s unusual story.

  • Tony describes the experience of playing his music in concert and the effect that it had on a number of members of the audience.

  • He explains how, on multiple occasions, emotional triggers would result in music “downloading” into his head.

  • Tony underwent a personal transformation after his NDE, becoming more empathetic and with a new approach to life.

  • He comments about how small children can still see the other side, and feels that it is important to recognize and validate what children are seeing.

  • During his near death experience his conscious self never wavered, even while he was dead, leaving him firmly convinced of the fact that his spirit would live on forever.

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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#29 A Visit to the Other Side with Dr. Tony Cicoria

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Dr. Tony Cicoria is a part time board certified Orthopedic Surgeon in Maine, former Chief of Orthopedics at Chenango Memorial Hospital, Norwich, New York, and Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopedics at SUNY Upstate Medical School in Syracuse. He received his BS in Biology from The Citadel and is a graduate of the Medical University of South Carolina (MD, PhD) and the University of Virginia Orthopedic Surgery Residency.

Dr. Cicoria had the unfortunate (or fortunate) luck of being struck by lightning in 1994 while speaking on a public telephone during a family reunion near Albany, NY. As a result of the lightning, Dr. Cicoria had a near death and out of body experience (NDE, OBE) and became a sudden savant for classical piano music and composition. Because of his unusual introduction to the world of music, Dr. Cicoria has been featured in various magazines and was featured in Dr. Oliver Sacks’ book “Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain”. Tony has given numerous recitals featuring music that he has composed, and has appeared in various television presentations around the world. He published his first works on a CD entitled “Notes From an Accidental Pianist” through CDBaby.com, and is currently working on a book about his experience called “On the Other Side of Life”

In this riveting interview, Tony describes the life altering experience of being struck by lightening and spending time on the “other side”, where he briefly but vividly enters a spiritual realm and gains a profound understanding about the meaning of our existence.

I felt like I fell into a river of pure positive energy.
— Tony Cicoria
I came to the realization that this was the greatest thing that could ever happen to somebody.
— Tony Cicoria
I became much less religious and much more spiritual.
— Tony Cicoria


  • Tony describes his experience of being struck by lightning in 1994 while attending an outdoor barbecue with friends and family.

  • He had an odd sensation of moving forward while being forced backwards from the impact of the lightning.

  • As he felt himself leave his earthly body, he had a sense of being swept up in a current of blue light and pure positive energy.

  • The energy he experienced radiated with pure peace and love.

  • When he sensed that he was returning to his body, he strongly resisted, wanting instead to remain in this blissful state.

  • His Catholic Faith was turned upside down by this spiritual experience.

  • He realized that our souls go through a continual evolution as we come back repeatedly, growing spiritually each time.

  • His NDE profoundly changed the way he looks at the world, and what he has found to be important.

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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#28 Letting Go of Fear and Connecting With the Infinite Self with Austyn Wells

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Austyn is an author, spiritual medium, and soul gardener who empowers individuals to create soul-centered lives. A certified grief counselor, she combines intuition and mediumship with shamanism, energy medicine, and sacred ceremony.

Austyn presents and educates at many national conferences including the Sun Valley Wellness Festival, as well as The Original Afterlife Conference, for which she has been a board member for seven years. She will be featured in Bill Bennet’s upcoming films Facing Fear and Faith along with Paul Selig, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton and Dr. Anita Sanchez to name a few.

Austyn developed the Divine Spark Cards© and Divine Insight Cards©, to empower people to connect more deeply with their souls. Her Amazon best-selling book Soul Conversations teaches one how to connect, heal, and empower oneself in order to live a soul-centered life.

In this timely interview, Austyn articulately describes how human beings are dualistic in that they have a human voice and a spiritual voice, and how we can better connect with our spiritual voice in order to deal with adversity and challenge, and learn to trust our intuition.

The advantage of adversity is that it puts everyone back into the same classroom...and reminds us that we are all connected.
— Austyn Wells
The finite soul believes it is control so it doesn’t understand that there is a higher power.
— Austyn Wells
Detachment is the only way something authentically returns and then it returns with a higher dynamic... it really is all about trust.
— Austyn Wells


  • Austyn describes how human beings are dualistic; we have both a human voice and a spiritual voice.

  • The human being is the finite, physical and mortal self, while the soul being is the infinite, immortal, connected and energetic self.

  • Which voice we use determines how we cope with adversity and challenges such as those which we are faced with today (the Me Too movement, Covid 19 are both used as examples).

  • Austyn described how we can use our hands and fingers to get in touch with our emotions and learn to self-nurture.

  • She describes how important it is to trust our intuition, which is challenging for many because this is a practice not explored in classic education.

  • Austyn offers a simple but helpful practice to connect with one’s intuition using a journal and an oracle deck or Tarot deck.

  • She describes a powerful spiritual visitation she had as a child which helped her gain confidence over a fearful situation.

  • Learning detachment and letting go of control are crucial in connecting with one’s infinite self.

  • Austyn Wells’ book:


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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#27 "Houdini Kids", Unconditional Love, and the Healing of the Planet with Lesley Lupo

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Lesley Joan Lupo was born in Chicago and attended college in Albuquerque, NM, graduating with a B.A. in Psychology and a B.F.A. in Studio Art. She is a world traveler and has crossed paths with many inspirational teachers, including Native American Medicine people, a West African Shaman, and a Wiccan High Priestess.

For nearly ten years Lesley was the Vice-President of Operations at Tanque Verde Guest Ranch. After nearly being killed by a stampede of horses, she experienced a profound near-death experience (NDE) resulting in her inspiring and poignant book, Remember, Every Breath is Precious .

For the last 22 years, she has been a highly-sought after Intuitive Therapist at the Canyon Ranch Resort in Arizona, serving for 3 years as the Spiritual Programs Coordinator. Lesley is also a certified NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) therapist and a Reiki Master, with a client base that includes Hollywood celebrities, politicians, royalty, and business leaders from all over the world. Through her private company, Light the Path, she works one-on-one with clients to support their spiritual healing and transformation. Lesley also teaches workshops on improving relationships, and is a guest lecturer at the University of Arizona. She enjoys creating mosaics and jewelry, meditation, bee keeping, and organic gardening. She happily practices “detachment” (win or lose) by watching her favorite Chicago sports teams. She resides in Tucson AZ.  Click HERE to read Lesley’s complete biography.

In this interview, Lesley talks about the different kinds of children who come back to the earthly realm as spiritual guides and/or as conduits for positive change, enlightenment and forgiveness, with an emphasis on what she calls “Houdini Kids”.

Houdini Kids heal the planet by absorbing and transmuting the negativity they encounter into love and forgiveness.
— Lesley Lupo on "Blindfolded Bodhisattvas"
When Spirit needs us to focus on God... then Spirit is going to keep giving us a crisis... to find that light within us.
— Lesley Lupo


  • Leslie describes the Buddhist concept of the Bodhisattva, an enlightened old soul returning to earth and born into a spiritual family, with the purpose of serving as a spiritual guide.

  • She explains in detail what “Blindfolded Bodhisattvas” or “Houdini Kids” are, and how they differ from Bodhisattvas, in that they are on their own in finding their spiritual center as they strive to break the cycle of hatred and prejudice.

  • Indigo Kids are another version of Bodhisattvas, who come into our world and “hit the ground running” in their mission to accelerate change that is more widespread.

  • Lesley elaborates on the role that crisis plays in bringing us closer to God, and how once we are drawn to God we will no longer need crisis.

  • She offers some advice on how to mentor children who are selfless and need to be taught to include themselves in their decisions.

  • She describes a fascinating session she had with an astrologer, who was able to see her death on the date of her NDE.

  • Lesley recommends visiting her WEBSITE which includes much more detail about all of these topics that she touches upon in this interview.

  • Click the image below to find out more about Lesley’s Book, which chronicles her near-death experience and fascinating visit “Upstairs”.


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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#26 Transformation and Personal Growth After a Near-Death Experience with Lesley Lupo

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Lesley Joan Lupo was born in Chicago and attended college in Albuquerque, NM, graduating with a B.A. in Psychology and a B.F.A. in Studio Art. She is a world traveler and has crossed paths with many inspirational teachers, including Native American Medicine people, a West African Shaman, and a Wiccan High Priestess.

For nearly ten years Lesley was the Vice-President of Operations at Tanque Verde Guest Ranch. After nearly being killed by a stampede of horses, she experienced a profound near-death experience (NDE) resulting in her inspiring and poignant book, Remember, Every Breath is Precious .

For the last 22 years, she has been a highly-sought after Intuitive Therapist at the Canyon Ranch Resort in Arizona, serving for 3 years as the Spiritual Programs Coordinator. Lesley is also a certified NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) therapist and a Reiki Master, with a client base that includes Hollywood celebrities, politicians, royalty, and business leaders from all over the world. Through her private company, Light the Path, she works one-on-one with clients to support their spiritual healing and transformation. Lesley also teaches workshops on improving relationships, and is a guest lecturer at the University of Arizona. She enjoys creating mosaics and jewelry, meditation, bee keeping, and organic gardening. She happily practices “detachment” (win or lose) by watching her favorite Chicago sports teams. She resides in Tucson AZ.  Click HERE to read Lesley’s complete biography.

In this extraordinary interview, Lesley describes her NDE in fascinating detail, and then describes how her journey has transformed the way she see’s herself and her role in the universe.

I think every human being, in their cellular memory. remembers heaven and that’s why we have such a longing to go back home again.
— Lesley Lupo
Everything sparkles so much up there... everything has that irridescence...”
— Lesley Lupo
Learning is as joyous upstairs as vacation time is down here.
— Lesley Lupo
I had to come back and reevaluate my consciousness towards perfection... if we were perfect there would be nothing left to learn.
— Lesley Lupo


  • Lesley had an extraordinary near-death experience after being trampled by a stampede of horses, which she describes in exquisite detail.

  • She was welcomed with overwhelming love by spiritual beings who were familiar to her from her childhood; she referred to these beings as her “soul group”.

  • Lesley refers to the place where she went in her NDE as “upstairs”, and described the sense of longing she still has for this place, a place where everything “made sense”.

  • Her descriptions are filled with words such as “light-filled”, “incandescent”, and “sparkling”.

  • She had the sense of there being infinite “realms” that souls could navigate between, each one offering different “lessons”, similar in a way to being in school.

  • In her NDE, she was offered not only a choice of whether to stay or whether to return, but also whether or not she wanted to remember the details of her NDE.

  • She chose to remember, knowing that she would experience a sense of isolation because few would understand what had happened to her.

  • She explained the differences between old souls and younger souls, and the concept of reincarnation, as well as the many opportunities for growth and learning.

  • Lesley describes the sense that everything is growing… on earth, in the universe and in heaven, and that heaven continues to grow as souls evolve.

  • Lesley’s experience gave her great insight about how to live with integrity, always learning, with an aim towards being the best person one can be.

  • Click the image below to find out more about Lesley’s Book:


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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#25 Helping Young Children Navigate Emotions with Sue Groner

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As an experienced mother, Sue Groner knows how stressful and overwhelming parenting can be at times. She founded The Parenting Mentor to provide an ally for parents in their quest to raise confident and resilient children. Sue is the author of Parenting: 101 Ways to Rock Your World. Simple Strategies for Parenting with Sanity and Joy and is a certified Positive Discipline parent educator. Sue is also the creator of the CLEARR™ method of parenting, developed through years of trial (and her fair share of errors!) with her own family. CLEARR™ adheres to the belief that parenting strategies should be grounded in six important pillars: Communication, Love, Empathy, Awareness, Rules, and Respect. This has become the cornerstone of her practice as The Parenting Mentor. A graduate of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and a former advertising executive, Sue resides in New York City and Bedford, NY with her husband, two children (when they are not away at school) and their rescue dog. She is available for private, group, and virtual mentorship sessions nationwide for individuals as well as corporations. In this lively interview, Marla and Sue discuss creative strategies for families with children to find opportunities for personal growth while sheltering in place.

We all can handle one random act of kindness a day.
— Sue Groner, on modeling kindness for children
It really does make a different for your mindset.
— Sue Groner, on practicing gratitude


  • When talking to children about difficult subjects, it’s important to know what your child is capable of dealing with. Age-related rules do not always apply.

  • Though the maternal instinct is to “fix” a child’s negative emotions, doing this can deny the child an opportunity to build emotional resilience.

  • Sue explains the importance of validating a child’s negative emotions and the potential consequence of not doing so.

  • She illustrates ways that we can model how we, as adults, deal with our own negative emotions.

  • Other fun tools include the use of expressive “faces” to help a child express how he is feeling.

  • Sue suggests parents use this time to relax their own expectations about what they want to accomplish in order to lighten their own anxiety. Also an opportunity for children to lower their anxiety due to fewer activities and expectations.

  • Sue describes how families can use “jars” for activities they will be able to do later (once the pandemic is over), and activities they can do now.

  • This time is perfect for helping children take on new responsibilities and learn life skills. She uses the “team” metaphor for a way to put a positive spin on household contributions.

  • This is also a time to work with children to explore their senses of taste, smell, etc., all which are mindfulness activities. Sue has some fun suggestions for cooking projects to do as a family.

  • A daily ritual that embraces gratitude is a wonderful family tradition.

  • Click the image below to find out more about Sue’s Book: Parenting: 101 Ways to Rock Your World:


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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#24 Energy Fields Around Our Very Young With Geoffrey Leigh

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Dr. Geoffrey Leigh, PhD. is an author, professor and researcher with over 30 years in academia, conducting and publishing dozens of research articles, presenting many papers at national and international conferences, and teaching classes and community programs. His undergraduate and graduate studies provided him with a diverse approach to human development and family interaction processes, which lay the foundation for developing Noussentrism. During his time at the University of Nevada Reno, he and Jean Metzker developed research into children’s energy fields and later the energy fields of parent and adolescent interactions.

After retiring, Geoffrey moved to Napa, California where he taught graduate classes part-time in the Counseling Program at St. Mary’s College, allowing him to present some of his ideas in his book to graduate students. After publishing Rekindling Our Cosmic Spark in the spring of 2017, Geoffrey now spends his time writing fiction, working in real estate, conducting workshops and spiritual coaching sessions, and enjoying his family and life among the vineyards of Napa Valley.

Click HERE to read Geoffrey’s full bio.

In this heartfelt interview Geoffrey emphasizes the importance of helping children stay connected to their cosmic spark, and how in doing so we can become less focused on the external world and instead reconnect with our own core essence and heart wisdom.

At our core I think we all have a spark of the divine.
— Geoffrey Leigh
We get so focused on the physical form that we lose track of what’s happening with our energetics.
— Geoffrey Leigh
Presence is the most valuable gift we can give children.
— Geoffrey Leigh
Children bring a connection to a greater consciousness and remind us of what we have lost track of.
— Geoffrey Leigh


  • Geoffrey describes the concept of Noussentrism, which is defined as “the basic nature and expression of our purest emanation of the universe, the spark of cosmic consciousness”.

  • When we get too focused on the three-dimensional world we lose track of our cosmic spark.

  • He talks about energy rings and how children, who live so much in the present, create them.

  • Geoffrey explains how we can change our own energy fields; meditation is one very effective way to do it.

  • Children arrive with certain skills and abilities that we aren’t aware of, and we need to be open to this possibility.

  • He describes how he approaches children - by first reaching out to them energetically; children are more comfortable with energetic connections.

  • It is important to listen to who children really are, and to encourage that energetic connection as they grow older.

  • He discussed gratitude and the great importance of modeling it for children.

  • Learning to apologize for times one is not in one’s heart is a wonderful way to resolve conflict.

  • Indigenous cultures that are peaceful and most connected to the earth do best at honoring the connection to children.

  • Connecting with nature is another way to hear things we otherwise would not hear.

  • Geoffrey describes what he would say to his five year old self.

  • To listen to Geoffrey’s Heart Opening Meditation, click HERE to download an audio file. Or, click HERE for the written version of the meditation.

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  • Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

    Thank you!


#23 A Spiritual Warrior's Journey with Reverend Bill McDonald

Army Vietnam veteran Reverend Bill McDonald is a multiple NDEr and STEr, minister, chaplain, Yoga Meditation Teacher, PTSD consultant, an award-winning poet, international motivational speaker, artist, film adviser, veteran advocate and scuba instructor. As a Vietnam veteran, Bill was awarded the distinguished Flying Cross, the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart medal, fourteen air medals, the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry, among others. He founded The Spiritual Warrior Ministries which provides free chaplain services for the military community across the USA. Reverend Bill has been involved with a dozen films and documentaries and is author of his autobiography, A Spiritual Warrior’s Journey. His other books include Alchemy of a Warrior’s Heart, Purple Hearts, Sacred Eye and Warrior - A Spiritual Odyssey.

Imagine a million mothers loving you.
— Reverend Bill McDonald, on his first NDE
They’re gonna find ways, they’re gonna find solutions, they’re not giving up.
— Reverend Bill Mcdonald, on the younger generation
Love is the greatest weapon of all.
— Reverend Bill McDonald


  • Reverend Bill McDonald described his first near-death experience as an 8 year old child, when he was hospitalized with multiple serious illnesses. Most notable were the sensations of light, of feeling recharged and of being filled with great love.

  • That first NDE gave him a glimpse into his future and provided great comfort even in times of extreme peril.

  • He describes his interest in numbers and astrology and how those concepts played into his life story.

  • Reverend Bill detailed a potentially harrowing and destructive experience in Vietnam which was averted due to his powerful sense of intuition.

  • He believes the current generation of young people, which he describes as having more light in them, offer us great hope for the future.

  • He talks about how every one of us is important, using a jigsaw puzzle as an analogy - “everybody has to be there to make the whole… everybody has a purpose".

  • Our purpose is love, and we are here to love and to serve.

  • Reverend Bill has written multiple books and is currently working on a collection of stories.

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Reverend Bill McDonald’s Books:


OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#22 A Spiritual Medium Shares His Thoughts About Grief, Impermanence, and What We Take With Us with Michael Mayo

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Michael Mayo is an internationally trained medium, astrologer, and spiritual teacher. Trained in the United Kingdom, he brings a practical, grounded, and evidential style to his spiritual work. While developing his mediumship, Michael graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a BA in Psychology and Social Behavior and a BA in Drama. Throughout his many years of working with the Spirit World, he has brought messages of love and hope from those on the higher side of life. His greatest mission is to show that life, like love, is eternal.

In this very personal interview, Michael discusses the challenges he has experienced with the pandemic and our changing world, shares his firsthand experience with grief and loss, and offers reassurance and hope for all of us as we move forward in this time of uncertainty.

We have to look at what we are taking with us when we do pass.
— Michael Mayo
Live your life so that you never need a medium, so that there are never words left unsaid.
— Michael Mayo


  • Michael shares his experiences in dealing with the changes brought into our lives with the current pandemic situation: Fewer distraction forces one to face oneself as an individual, as well as deal with the concept of our mortality. How can we grow and what can we take with us?

  • He describes his very personal experience with grief over the death of a loved one, and how he learned that there is a difference between the human brain and the medium brain when it comes to dealing with loss.

  • He talks about his experience working as a medium with those who have lost loved ones; people mainly want reassurance that their loved one is okay.

  • Marla describes the exquisite gift that mediums provided in helping her deal with her own personal loss.

  • The only things we take with us as we pass to the spirit world are our memories and the love we have for others; our relationships are by far the most important thing.

  • Michael discusses the various consistencies between all near death experiences, and that many return wanting to right wrongs.

  • He shares the lessons he has learned (and is still learning) from the current pandemic crisis: be patient, find tools that help you to be present (such as yoga or meditation), and embrace the concept of impermanence.

  • Michael’s words of wisdom:

    • Be patient.

    • Be compassionate towards yourself.

    • Find rituals or activities that work for you on a daily basis.

    • Don’t avoid the discomfort; look for the gift of spiritual growth that is being presented.

    • Cherish your relationships and the ones you love.

    • Help others in any way that you can.

    • Look for the light, move towards the light and towards hope, be a light for others.

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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!