#28 Letting Go of Fear and Connecting With the Infinite Self with Austyn Wells

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Austyn is an author, spiritual medium, and soul gardener who empowers individuals to create soul-centered lives. A certified grief counselor, she combines intuition and mediumship with shamanism, energy medicine, and sacred ceremony.

Austyn presents and educates at many national conferences including the Sun Valley Wellness Festival, as well as The Original Afterlife Conference, for which she has been a board member for seven years. She will be featured in Bill Bennet’s upcoming films Facing Fear and Faith along with Paul Selig, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Bruce Lipton and Dr. Anita Sanchez to name a few.

Austyn developed the Divine Spark Cards© and Divine Insight Cards©, to empower people to connect more deeply with their souls. Her Amazon best-selling book Soul Conversations teaches one how to connect, heal, and empower oneself in order to live a soul-centered life.

In this timely interview, Austyn articulately describes how human beings are dualistic in that they have a human voice and a spiritual voice, and how we can better connect with our spiritual voice in order to deal with adversity and challenge, and learn to trust our intuition.

The advantage of adversity is that it puts everyone back into the same classroom...and reminds us that we are all connected.
— Austyn Wells
The finite soul believes it is control so it doesn’t understand that there is a higher power.
— Austyn Wells
Detachment is the only way something authentically returns and then it returns with a higher dynamic... it really is all about trust.
— Austyn Wells


  • Austyn describes how human beings are dualistic; we have both a human voice and a spiritual voice.

  • The human being is the finite, physical and mortal self, while the soul being is the infinite, immortal, connected and energetic self.

  • Which voice we use determines how we cope with adversity and challenges such as those which we are faced with today (the Me Too movement, Covid 19 are both used as examples).

  • Austyn described how we can use our hands and fingers to get in touch with our emotions and learn to self-nurture.

  • She describes how important it is to trust our intuition, which is challenging for many because this is a practice not explored in classic education.

  • Austyn offers a simple but helpful practice to connect with one’s intuition using a journal and an oracle deck or Tarot deck.

  • She describes a powerful spiritual visitation she had as a child which helped her gain confidence over a fearful situation.

  • Learning detachment and letting go of control are crucial in connecting with one’s infinite self.

  • Austyn Wells’ book:


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OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#27 "Houdini Kids", Unconditional Love, and the Healing of the Planet with Lesley Lupo

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Lesley Joan Lupo was born in Chicago and attended college in Albuquerque, NM, graduating with a B.A. in Psychology and a B.F.A. in Studio Art. She is a world traveler and has crossed paths with many inspirational teachers, including Native American Medicine people, a West African Shaman, and a Wiccan High Priestess.

For nearly ten years Lesley was the Vice-President of Operations at Tanque Verde Guest Ranch. After nearly being killed by a stampede of horses, she experienced a profound near-death experience (NDE) resulting in her inspiring and poignant book, Remember, Every Breath is Precious .

For the last 22 years, she has been a highly-sought after Intuitive Therapist at the Canyon Ranch Resort in Arizona, serving for 3 years as the Spiritual Programs Coordinator. Lesley is also a certified NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) therapist and a Reiki Master, with a client base that includes Hollywood celebrities, politicians, royalty, and business leaders from all over the world. Through her private company, Light the Path, she works one-on-one with clients to support their spiritual healing and transformation. Lesley also teaches workshops on improving relationships, and is a guest lecturer at the University of Arizona. She enjoys creating mosaics and jewelry, meditation, bee keeping, and organic gardening. She happily practices “detachment” (win or lose) by watching her favorite Chicago sports teams. She resides in Tucson AZ.  Click HERE to read Lesley’s complete biography.

In this interview, Lesley talks about the different kinds of children who come back to the earthly realm as spiritual guides and/or as conduits for positive change, enlightenment and forgiveness, with an emphasis on what she calls “Houdini Kids”.

Houdini Kids heal the planet by absorbing and transmuting the negativity they encounter into love and forgiveness.
— Lesley Lupo on "Blindfolded Bodhisattvas"
When Spirit needs us to focus on God... then Spirit is going to keep giving us a crisis... to find that light within us.
— Lesley Lupo


  • Leslie describes the Buddhist concept of the Bodhisattva, an enlightened old soul returning to earth and born into a spiritual family, with the purpose of serving as a spiritual guide.

  • She explains in detail what “Blindfolded Bodhisattvas” or “Houdini Kids” are, and how they differ from Bodhisattvas, in that they are on their own in finding their spiritual center as they strive to break the cycle of hatred and prejudice.

  • Indigo Kids are another version of Bodhisattvas, who come into our world and “hit the ground running” in their mission to accelerate change that is more widespread.

  • Lesley elaborates on the role that crisis plays in bringing us closer to God, and how once we are drawn to God we will no longer need crisis.

  • She offers some advice on how to mentor children who are selfless and need to be taught to include themselves in their decisions.

  • She describes a fascinating session she had with an astrologer, who was able to see her death on the date of her NDE.

  • Lesley recommends visiting her WEBSITE which includes much more detail about all of these topics that she touches upon in this interview.

  • Click the image below to find out more about Lesley’s Book, which chronicles her near-death experience and fascinating visit “Upstairs”.


You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review

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Would you like to be featured as a guest on the Interviews with Innocence Podcast? Contact Us, and tell us a few words about yourself!     



OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://www.interviewswithinnocence.com

Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!