#202 The Beautiful Memories Our Children Share: A Tribute to Wayne Dyer

Tribute to Dr. Wayne Dyer - Interviews with Innocence.jpg

Today on Interviews With Innocence, I wanted to celebrate the holidays with some stories from internationally renowned author and speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer's book, "Memories of Heaven".

Dr. Wayne Dyer was an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth. Over the four decades of his career, he wrote more than 40 books, including 21 New York Times bestsellers. He created many audio and video programs and appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Dyer held a doctorate in educational counseling from Wayne State University and had served as an associate professor at St. John’s University in New York. Through his early work in college-level teaching and clinical psychology, he discovered a widespread need for the principles of self-discovery and personal growth and sought to bring these ideas to a wider audience.

"Memories Of Heaven" was co-authored by Dee Garnes, who currently resides in Maui with her husband and two children. She has worked in the healing-arts field as a massage therapist for over 13 years, and was assistant to Dr. Wayne Dyer. When she is not chasing her two-year-old son around or caring for her infant daughter, she enjoys long-distance swims in the ocean, paddle-boarding, and hiking. Her longest hike to date spanned 50 days across the 500-mile Colorado Trail, where she found that her heart was not only in the mountains but also in the ocean—and in truly healing and helping others.

Dr. Wayne Dyer was always drawn to speaking with young children, as their memories seemed to stretch far past their young age and into the deep past. What he learned from them surpassed what the imagination of a young child could dream up, dipping into families, experiences, and spiritual realms that nobody could know at so young an age. Listen in to hear the stories Dr. Wayne Dyer had collected over the years of children's memories of heaven, choosing parents and spiritual insights. Let us celebrate the impact he had around the world.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review!

"At this moment, I realized that this little boy sitting next to me and the baby in my belly were so much more than their small bodies." Dee Garnes

Show Notes:

  • Who Wayne Dyer was and what drew him to the mystery of children and reincarnation?

  • Stories of children remembering choosing parents

  • Sharing the stories children who have had spiritual experiences and connections

  • Some of Dee’s experiences with her own son as an infant

"Patience, tolerance, and kindness are the most important gifts I can give while I am on this earth." Dr. Wayne Dyer

Links Mentioned:

#188 Part 2: Children’s Near Death Experiences with Dr. Melvin Morse

Dr. Melvin Morse on Interviews With Innocence

Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D. is a graduate of George Washington University School of Medicine and a recipient of the National Service Research Award. He is a recognized authority in the field of near-death studies and has researched near-death experiences in children for eight years. As a medical student, Dr. Morse always pursued his interests in consciousness research. During a neurology rotation at Johns Hopkins, he worked under the legendary Vernon Montcastle and cared for patients who had half their brains removed or split-brain surgery. He assessed the effects such surgery had on consciousness, his first understanding that consciousness does not depend on brain function. He attended lectures by the early pioneers of functional neurogenesis. This is the revolutionary concept that all thoughts and experiences change our brain and our brain is capable of repairing itself.

After an internship at the University of California at San Francisco and a residency in Pediatrics at Seattle Children’s Hospital, he was in private practice of Pediatrics for over twenty years caring for three generations of patients. He retired in 2006 to concentrate on his consciousness research. He was a Professor of Pediatrics at both the University of Washington and the John Bastyr Naturopathic College.

Dr. Melvin Morse ​has come to understand that by learning the neuroscience of the brain, we can rediscover ancient wisdom long forgotten by the dogmas of religion. After learning about his work, I read his book "Closer To Light", which opened my eyes to the spirituality of children and the reality of near-death experiences, God and eternal life. Listen to learn how Dr. Melvin Morse was transformed from a spiritual skeptic into a real evangelist of the misunderstood world of near-death experiences.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review!

"A Johns Hopkins trained pediatric surgeon embarks on a journey of discovery with children who have experienced near death experiences." - Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D.

Show Notes:

  • How Melvin's experience with a young child in Idaho put him onto a spiritual path

  • The science behind near-death experiences

  • How Melvin's team avoided possible biases in their research

  • Many different children's near-death experiences that Melvin and his team were able to observe

  • The effect these near-death experiences have on children

  • The profundity of the life review that people in these experiences have

"This is really to me sacred information." - Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D.

Links Mentioned:

#187 Children’s Near Death Experiences with Dr. Melvin Morse

Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D. on Interviews With Innocence

Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D. is a graduate of George Washington University School of Medicine and a recipient of the National Service Research Award. He is a recognized authority in the field of near-death studies and has researched near-death experiences in children for eight years. As a medical student, Dr. Morse always pursued his interests in consciousness research. During a neurology rotation at Johns Hopkins, he worked under the legendary Vernon Montcastle and cared for patients who had half their brains removed or split-brain surgery. He assessed the effects such surgery had on consciousness, his first understanding that consciousness does not depend on brain function. He attended lectures by the early pioneers of functional neurogenesis. This is the revolutionary concept that all thoughts and experiences change our brain and our brain is capable of repairing itself.

After an internship at the University of California at San Francisco and a residency in Pediatrics at Seattle Children’s Hospital, he was in private practice of Pediatrics for over twenty years caring for three generations of patients. He retired in 2006 to concentrate on his consciousness research. He was a Professor of Pediatrics at both the University of Washington and the John Bastyr Naturopathic College.

Dr. Melvin Morse ​has come to understand that by learning the neuroscience of the brain, we can rediscover ancient wisdom long forgotten by the dogmas of religion. After learning about his work, I read his book "Closer To Light", which opened my eyes to the spirituality of children and the reality of near-death experiences, God and eternal life. Listen to learn how Dr. Melvin Morse was transformed from a spiritual skeptic into a real evangelist of the misunderstood world of near-death experiences.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review!

"A Johns Hopkins trained pediatric surgeon embarks on a journey of discovery with children who have experienced near death experiences." - Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D.

Show Notes:

  • How Melvin's experience with a young child in Idaho put him onto a spiritual path

  • The science behind near-death experiences

  • How Melvin's team avoided possible biases in their research

  • Many different children's near-death experiences that Melvin and his team were able to observe

  • The effect these near-death experiences have on children

  • The profundity of the life review that people in these experiences have

"This is really to me sacred information." - Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D.

Links Mentioned:

#183 Part 2: Rainbow Connection: Children Remembering Past Lives With Dr. Carol Bowman

This episode is named after the song “Rainbow Connection” by Kermit the Frog

Carol Bowman is an internationally known author, lecturer, past-life therapist, reincarnation researcher and a pioneer in the area of past-life research of children.

She is a graduate of Simmons College in Boston and holds an M.S. in Counseling from Villanova University. Carol began her journey in reincarnation studies when her own children began talking in detail about past lives at a very young age. As Carol states “To me, reincarnation is not an abstract religious concept or a philosophy. It's a natural phenomenon. Understanding the connection between past lives and present reality leads to profound personal benefits, both spiritual and practical".

In this episode, Carol discusses how she became interested in children’s past-life experiences, her own son’s regression and her extensive research in this area of past life regression.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review!

“It’s not just a concept or a philosophy. It’s very real and there’s a practical application too, in helping adults and children heal their past-life traumas.” - Carol Bowman

Show Notes:

  • Why Carol became interested in children’s experiences of past lives

  • Carol’s son’s past-life regression

  • The healing aspect of recalling a past life

  • How Carol’s research changed her perspective on her own life

  • An astounding past life memory by a young boy, Blake

  • Scientific research around the world on children and past lives

“Not only is it healing for the child if you help them navigate this memory, especially if they’re remembering a traumatic death, but the parents’ lives are changed in witnessing this.” – Carol Bowman

Links Mentioned:

“To me reincarnation is not an abstract religious concept or a philosophy. It's a natural phenomenon. Understanding the connection between past lives and present reality leads to profound personal benefits, both spiritual and practical.” - Carol Bowman

#182 Rainbow Connection: Children Remembering Past Lives With Dr. Carol Bowman

Dr. Carol Bowman - Interviews with Innocence pt.1.jpg

I am excited to be reflecting and revisiting some of my favorite past episodes. Today we are starting where is all began with Carol Bowman. 

This episode is named after the song “Rainbow Connection” by Kermit the Frog

Carol Bowman is an internationally known author, lecturer, past-life therapist, reincarnation researcher and a pioneer in the area of past-life research of children.

She is a graduate of Simmons College in Boston and holds an M.S. in Counseling from Villanova University. Carol began her journey in reincarnation studies when her own children began talking in detail about past lives at a very young age. As Carol states “To me, reincarnation is not an abstract religious concept or a philosophy. It's a natural phenomenon. Understanding the connection between past lives and present reality leads to profound personal benefits, both spiritual and practical".

In this episode, Carol discusses how she became interested in children’s past-life experiences, her own son’s regression and her extensive research in this area of past life regression.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review!

Carol Bowman is an internationally known author, lecturer, past-life regression therapist, and pioneer in reincarnation. In this episode of Interviews with Innocence Carol shares with us how she became interested in children's past-life experiences, her own son's regression, her extensive research with renowned Dr Ian Stevenson and Dr Jim Tucker from the University of Virginia, plus much more.

“It’s not just a concept or a philosophy. It’s very real and there’s a practical application too, in helping adults and children heal their past-life traumas.” - Carol Bowman

Show Notes:

  • Why Carol became interested in children’s experiences of past lives

  • Carol’s son’s past-life regression

  • The healing aspect of recalling a past life

  • How Carol’s research changed her perspective on her own life

  • An astounding past life memory by a young boy, Blake

  • Scientific research around the world on children and past lives

“Not only is it healing for the child if you help them navigate this memory, especially if they’re remembering a traumatic death, but the parents’ lives are changed in witnessing this.” – Carol Bowman

Links Mentioned:

“To me reincarnation is not an abstract religious concept or a philosophy. It's a natural phenomenon. Understanding the connection between past lives and present reality leads to profound personal benefits, both spiritual and practical.” - Carol Bowman

#118 A Tribute to Wayne Dyer Sharing Stories From His Book "Memories of Heaven"

Today on Interviews With Innocence, I wanted to celebrate the holidays with some stories from internationally renowned author and speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer's book, "Memories of Heaven".

Dr. Wayne Dyer was an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth. Over the four decades of his career, he wrote more than 40 books, including 21 New York Times bestsellers. He created many audio and video programs and appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Dyer held a doctorate in educational counseling from Wayne State University and had served as an associate professor at St. John’s University in New York. Through his early work in college-level teaching and clinical psychology, he discovered a widespread need for the principles of self-discovery and personal growth and sought to bring these ideas to a wider audience.

"Memories Of Heaven" was co-authored by Dee Garnes, who currently resides in Maui with her husband and two children. She has worked in the healing-arts field as a massage therapist for over 13 years, and was assistant to Dr. Wayne Dyer. When she is not chasing her two-year-old son around or caring for her infant daughter, she enjoys long-distance swims in the ocean, paddle-boarding, and hiking. Her longest hike to date spanned 50 days across the 500-mile Colorado Trail, where she found that her heart was not only in the mountains but also in the ocean—and in truly healing and helping others.

Dr. Wayne Dyer was always drawn to speaking with young children, as their memories seemed to stretch far past their young age and into the deep past. What he learned from them surpassed what the imagination of a young child could dream up, dipping into families, experiences, and spiritual realms that nobody could know at so young an age. Listen in to hear the stories Dr. Wayne Dyer had collected over the years of children's memories of heaven, choosing parents and spiritual insights. Let us celebrate the impact he had around the world.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review!

"At this moment, I realized that this little boy sitting next to me and the baby in my belly were so much more than their small bodies." Dee Garnes

Show Notes:

  • Who Wayne Dyer was and what drew him to the mystery of children and reincarnation?

  • Stories of children remembering choosing parents

  • Sharing the stories children who have had spiritual experiences and connections

  • Some of Dee’s experiences with her own son as an infant

"Patience, tolerance, and kindness are the most important gifts I can give while I am on this earth." Dr. Wayne Dyer

Links Mentioned:

#7 The Man Who Pioneered the Study of Children and the Near-Death Experience With Dr. Melvin Morse

Dr. Melvin Morse on Interviews With Innocence

Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D. is a graduate of George Washington University School of Medicine and a recipient of the National Service Research Award. He is a recognized authority in the field of near-death studies and has researched near-death experiences in children for eight years. As a medical student, Dr. Morse always pursued his interests in consciousness research. During a neurology rotation at Johns Hopkins, he worked under the legendary Vernon Montcastle and cared for patients who had half their brains removed or split-brain surgery. He assessed the effects such surgery had on consciousness, his first understanding that consciousness does not depend on brain function. He attended lectures by the early pioneers of functional neurogenesis. This is the revolutionary concept that all thoughts and experiences change our brain and our brain is capable of repairing itself.

After an internship at the University of California at San Francisco and a residency in Pediatrics at Seattle Children’s Hospital, he was in private practice of Pediatrics for over twenty years caring for three generations of patients. He retired in 2006 to concentrate on his consciousness research. He was a Professor of Pediatrics at both the University of Washington and the John Bastyr Naturopathic College.

Dr. Melvin Morse ​has come to understand that by learning the neuroscience of the brain, we can rediscover ancient wisdom long forgotten by the dogmas of religion. After learning about his work, I read his book "Closer To Light", which opened my eyes to the spirituality of children and the reality of near-death experiences, God and eternal life. Listen to learn how Dr. Melvin Morse was transformed from a spiritual skeptic into a real evangelist of the misunderstood world of near-death experiences.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review!

Listen to learn how Dr. Melvin Morse was transformed from a spiritual skeptic into a real evangelist of the misunderstood world of near-death experiences. "It's so important that the non-judgment and unconditional love comes from this God, it's surrounding you and helping you through the [life review] so you can truly understand the consequence of your actions."

"A Johns Hopkins trained pediatric surgeon embarks on a journey of discovery with children who have experienced near death experiences." - Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D.

Show Notes:

  • How Melvin's experience with a young child in Idaho put him onto a spiritual path

  • The science behind near-death experiences

  • How Melvin's team avoided possible biases in their research

  • Many different children's near-death experiences that Melvin and his team were able to observe

  • The effect these near-death experiences have on children

  • The profundity of the life review that people in these experiences have

"This is really to me sacred information." - Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D.

Links Mentioned:

#6 What Young Children Tell Us After a Near-Death Experience with Dr. Melvin Morse

Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D. on Interviews With Innocence

Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D. is a graduate of George Washington University School of Medicine and a recipient of the National Service Research Award. He is a recognized authority in the field of near-death studies and has researched near-death experiences in children for eight years. As a medical student, Dr. Morse always pursued his interests in consciousness research. During a neurology rotation at Johns Hopkins, he worked under the legendary Vernon Montcastle and cared for patients who had half their brains removed or split-brain surgery. He assessed the effects such surgery had on consciousness, his first understanding that consciousness does not depend on brain function. He attended lectures by the early pioneers of functional neurogenesis. This is the revolutionary concept that all thoughts and experiences change our brain and our brain is capable of repairing itself.

After an internship at the University of California at San Francisco and a residency in Pediatrics at Seattle Children’s Hospital, he was in private practice of Pediatrics for over twenty years caring for three generations of patients. He retired in 2006 to concentrate on his consciousness research. He was a Professor of Pediatrics at both the University of Washington and the John Bastyr Naturopathic College.

Dr. Melvin Morse ​has come to understand that by learning the neuroscience of the brain, we can rediscover ancient wisdom long forgotten by the dogmas of religion. After learning about his work, I read his book "Closer To Light", which opened my eyes to the spirituality of children and the reality of near-death experiences, God and eternal life. Listen to learn how Dr. Melvin Morse was transformed from a spiritual skeptic into a real evangelist of the misunderstood world of near-death experiences.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review!

Listen to learn how Dr. Melvin Morse was transformed from a spiritual skeptic into a real evangelist of the misunderstood world of near-death experiences. "A Johns Hopkins trained pediatric surgeon embarks on a journey of discovery with children who have experienced near death experiences." - Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D..

"A Johns Hopkins trained pediatric surgeon embarks on a journey of discovery with children who have experienced near death experiences." - Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D.

Show Notes:

  • How Melvin's experience with a young child in Idaho put him onto a spiritual path

  • The science behind near-death experiences

  • How Melvin's team avoided possible biases in their research

  • Many different children's near-death experiences that Melvin and his team were able to observe

  • The effect these near-death experiences have on children

  • The profundity of the life review that people in these experiences have

"This is really to me sacred information." - Dr. Melvin Morse, M.D.

Links Mentioned:

#5 Children and Their Angels, and Other Mystical Experiences with Dr. Tobin Hart

Dr. Tobin Hart on Interviews With Innocence

Today on Interviews With Innocence we have a very special guest on the show, Dr. Tobin Hart. I was able to go to Georgia to interview him and spend time in his beautiful home there, and I'm so excited to share this special conversation.

Dr. Tobin Hart serves as Professor at the University of West Georgia’s Humanistic, Transpersonal and Critical psychology program. He is co-founder of the ChildSpirit Institute, a nonprofit educational and research hub exploring and nurturing the spirituality of children and adults. His work explores human consciousness especially at the nexus of spirituality, psychology, and education. The center point for this inquiry is about how we know, especially that knowing what happens when the world opens more deeply to us, and we to it. He teaches, researches and writes on topics such as Deep Empathy, PsychoSpiritual Development, Inspiration, Transformative Education, Contemplative Knowing, Music, and the Mind, Psychotherapy Spirituality Integration, Mind-Body Unity. He has served as a leader in several emerging fields including Children’s Spirituality, Contemplative Teaching and Learning, and PsychoSpiritual Development.

Today, we'll be focusing on the work Dr. Tobin Hart has featured in his book, The Secret Spiritual World of Children. In this episode, Dr. Tobin Hart goes over his early experiences with children and spirituality, what we can learn from children and the power of the contemplative mind.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review!

Dr. Tobin Hart goes over his early experiences with children and spirituality, what we can learn from children and the power of the contemplative mind. "While children require and benefit from our guidance, they still are big souls already." - Dr. Tobin Hart.

"These childhood moments of wonder are not merely passing reveries. They shape the way a child sees and understands the world." - Dr. Tobin Hart

Show Notes:

  • How an experience with his daughter led him to pursue the spiritual world of children

  • The different research Tobin has done working with children

  • How different children have different spiritual styles

  • What can be learned from children and their well of wisdom

  • The reciprocal nature of children learning from us and us from them

  • What Tobin calls "the contemplative mind" and the role it can have in the lives of people today

  • What we can learn from past civilizations about the relationship between knowledge and spirituality

"While children require and benefit from our guidance, they still are big souls already." - Dr. Tobin Hart

Links Mentioned:

#4 A Tribute to Wayne Dyer Sharing Stories From His Book "Memories of Heaven"

Tribute to Dr. Wayne Dyer - Interviews with Innocence.jpg

Today on Interviews With Innocence, I wanted to celebrate the holidays with some stories from internationally renowned author and speaker Dr. Wayne Dyer's book, "Memories of Heaven".

Dr. Wayne Dyer was an internationally renowned author and speaker in the fields of self-development and spiritual growth. Over the four decades of his career, he wrote more than 40 books, including 21 New York Times bestsellers. He created many audio and video programs and appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Dyer held a doctorate in educational counseling from Wayne State University and had served as an associate professor at St. John’s University in New York. Through his early work in college-level teaching and clinical psychology, he discovered a widespread need for the principles of self-discovery and personal growth and sought to bring these ideas to a wider audience.

"Memories Of Heaven" was co-authored by Dee Garnes, who currently resides in Maui with her husband and two children. She has worked in the healing-arts field as a massage therapist for over 13 years, and was assistant to Dr. Wayne Dyer. When she is not chasing her two-year-old son around or caring for her infant daughter, she enjoys long-distance swims in the ocean, paddle-boarding, and hiking. Her longest hike to date spanned 50 days across the 500-mile Colorado Trail, where she found that her heart was not only in the mountains but also in the ocean—and in truly healing and helping others.

Dr. Wayne Dyer was always drawn to speaking with young children, as their memories seemed to stretch far past their young age and into the deep past. What he learned from them surpassed what the imagination of a young child could dream up, dipping into families, experiences, and spiritual realms that nobody could know at so young an age. Listen in to hear the stories Dr. Wayne Dyer had collected over the years of children's memories of heaven, choosing parents and spiritual insights. Let us celebrate the impact he had around the world.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review!

Listen in to hear the stories Dr. Wayne Dyer had collected over the years of children's past lives and to celebrate the impact he had around the world. "At this moment, I realized that this little boy sitting next to me and the baby in my belly were so much more than their small bodies."

"At this moment, I realized that this little boy sitting next to me and the baby in my belly were so much more than their small bodies." Dee Garnes

Show Notes:

  • Who Wayne Dyer was and what drew him to the mystery of children and reincarnation?

  • Stories of children remembering choosing parents

  • Sharing the stories children who have had spiritual experiences and connections

  • Some of Dee’s experiences with her own son as an infant

"Patience, tolerance, and kindness are the most important gifts I can give while I am on this earth." Dr. Wayne Dyer

Links Mentioned:

#3 Love Brought Me Back, Stories and Research of Young Children Talking About Their Past Lives with Dr. Carol Bowman

Dr. Carol Bowman - Interviews with Innocence pt.2.jpg

Carol Bowman is back for part 2 on Interviews with Innocence. If you missed last week’s episode, I recommend you go back and listen to our interesting conversation about children recalling past lives and the research that confirms these stories.

Carol Bowman is an internationally known author, lecturer, past-life therapist, reincarnation researcher and a pioneer in the area of past-life research of children.

She is a graduate of Simmons College in Boston and holds an M.S. in Counseling from Villanova University. Carol began her journey in past-life studies when her own children began talking in detail about past lives at a very young age. As Carol states “To me, reincarnation is not an abstract religious concept or a philosophy. It's a natural phenomenon. Understanding the connection between past lives and present reality leads to profound personal benefits, both spiritual and practical".

Listen in to today’s episode and learn about Carol’s research, other amazing stories of children recalling past lives and Carol’s book, Return From Heaven.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review!

Carol Bowman is back for part 2 on Interviews with Innocence. Carol is an internationally known author, lecturer, past-life regression therapist, and pioneer in reincarnation studies. Listen in to learn about the four signs that a child is talking about a past life, some incredible examples of reincarnation, and why reincarnation occurs.

Show Notes:

  • The four signs that a child is talking about a past life

  • Some of the more notable examples of children and their past lives that Carol has seen

  • What Carol finds the most incredible about her research

“One of the lessons we learn from these stories is that love has the power to transcend death, and true love never dies.” – Carol Bowman

Links Mentioned:

#2 Scientific Research and Children Remembering Past Lives with Carol Bowman

Dr. Carol Bowman - Interviews with Innocence pt.1.jpg

Carol Bowman is an internationally known author, lecturer, past-life therapist, reincarnation researcher and a pioneer in the area of past-life research of children.

She is a graduate of Simmons College in Boston and holds an M.S. in Counseling from Villanova University. Carol began her journey in reincarnation studies when her own children began talking in detail about past lives at a very young age. As Carol states “To me, reincarnation is not an abstract religious concept or a philosophy. It's a natural phenomenon. Understanding the connection between past lives and present reality leads to profound personal benefits, both spiritual and practical".

In this episode, Carol discusses how she became interested in children’s past-life experiences, her own son’s regression and her extensive research in this area of past life regression.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review!

Carol Bowman is an internationally known author, lecturer, past-life regression therapist, and pioneer in reincarnation. In this episode of Interviews with Innocence Carol shares with us how she became interested in children's past-life experiences, her own son's regression, her extensive research with renowned Dr Ian Stevenson and Dr Jim Tucker from the University of Virginia, plus much more.

“It’s not just a concept or a philosophy. It’s very real and there’s a practical application too, in helping adults and children heal their past-life traumas.” - Carol Bowman

Show Notes:

  • Why Carol became interested in children’s experiences of past lives

  • Carol’s son’s past-life regression

  • The healing aspect of recalling a past life

  • How Carol’s research changed her perspective on her own life

  • An astounding past life memory by a young boy, Blake

  • Scientific research around the world on children and past lives

“Not only is it healing for the child if you help them navigate this memory, especially if they’re remembering a traumatic death, but the parents’ lives are changed in witnessing this.” – Carol Bowman

Links Mentioned:

“To me reincarnation is not an abstract religious concept or a philosophy. It's a natural phenomenon. Understanding the connection between past lives and present reality leads to profound personal benefits, both spiritual and practical.” - Carol Bowman

#1 Welcome to Interviews with Innocence With Marla Hughes

Episode Art - Interviews with Innocence.jpg

Welcome to Interviews with Innocence, a podcast about children, spirituality and consciousness. I am your host Marla Hughes.

Each week I will be interviewing authors, philosophers, spiritual teachers, yogis, parents, doctors, scientists and many more, who will share with us anecdotes, past live stories, near death experiences, research and much more about the wisdom children bring into this world, and how we can transform our lives with this knowledge.

I ask that you keep an open mind, listen carefully and enjoy this adventure with me. And I look forward to you joining me each Thursday for a new episode of Interviews with Innocence.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review!

Welcome to Interviews with Innocence, a podcast about children, spirituality and consciousness. I am your host Marla Hughes. Each week I will be interviewing authors, philosophers, spiritual teachers, yogis, parents, doctors, scientists and many more, who will share with us anecdotes, past live stories, near death experiences, research and much more about the wisdom children bring into this world, and how we can transform our lives with this knowledge.

“I believe our young are our teachers, they are after all the masters of living in the present moment, enjoying the messiness of life, curious of the universe and all it’s dimensions, and not concerned with ego or comparisons.” - Marla Hughes

Show Notes:

  • Who am I?

  • Why I began this podcast

  • Who this podcast is for

  • What you can expect from this podcast

  • How this podcast will explore the spiritual lives of children

  • How the big questions in life can be answered by our very young

  • My hope for you listening to this podcast

“My hope is that these interviews will help you consider the wisdom our young share, to remind us to slow down, be more present, loving, grateful, and childlike. And of course, to be curious about the big questions.” - Marla Hughes

Links Mentioned:

“After a personal tragedy and a spiritual awakening I began to ask myself "‘what is the meaning of life, why are we here?’” - Marla Hughes