#63 The Cosmos, Transformation, and What Our Future Will Be With Astrologist William Stickevers
Astrology, Consultations, and Coaching
William provides his clients with strategic guidance to achieve their goals, move through challenges gracefully, and make the RIGHT decisions. With vast knowledge of both "real world" circumstances and spiritual truths, William counsels his clients with expertise few astrologers have on the economy and how it affects the client; psychology, the subconscious, and the psyche; metaphysical and transpersonal growth; and effective strategy according to the client’s natal chart, transits, and economic environment. From around the world, William's consulting clients include business owners, executives, finance managers, entrepreneurs, investors, Nobel Prize winners, Hollywood producers and screenwriters, professional astrologers, pioneering UFOlogy authors, world-class psychic mediums, professional singer/songwriters, professional performing artists, fashion designers, doctors, holistic health practitioners, and retirees. He enjoys working with clients who are committed to personal growth and spiritual development. William served as Treasurer on the Board for the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) San Francisco Bay Area Chapter 2014-2017 and is an active member of the World Future Society. In 2013, William left his thriving computer consulting business to devote himself full-time to consulting for clients from over 28 countries, teaching practitioner level courses for professional astrologers and serious astrology students, and forecasting what lies ahead with a rare synthesis of real- world data and mundane astrological portents. For those who wish to know more about William's astrological studies, from 1986 to 2002 William apprenticed in psychological astrology with Vera Waltz of Philadelphia and Bob Cook of Cold Spring Harbor (NY), Astro*Carto*Graphy (certified) with Jim Lewis, Medieval Astrology with Rob Hand, Horary and Electional astrology with Alphee Lavoie of AIR Software, Medieval Astrology and Alchemy and Medieval Prediction with Robert Zoller, and Astrological Magic with Christopher Warnock of Renaissance Astrology. See a scope of work outline here.
Beyond Astrology
In addition to astrology and cutting-edge technologies, William earned a B.S. in Music Performance (Clarinet) from Temple University (Philadelphia, PA) in 1989 and a CCRS Diploma in Computer Science from Hofstra University (Hempstead, NY) in 1996. From 1996 to 2013, he ran a thriving computer consulting business, and musically, has performed internationally and has been a finalist in several international music competitions.
In this Episode William and I discuss some of his predictions for the future and what they mean for human consciousness.
“You had to go through that event for the learning lessons to be integrated into the soul.”
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