#45 I Love Rock 'n' Roll with Mark Galbo
Telluride local Mark Galbo is an innovative educator and a leading voice in contemporary music education. His unconventionally relaxed and spontaneous approach to teaching has endeared him to thousands of students across the country. Especially in the Telluride region.
Mark Galbo opened his Rock and Roll Academy in 2003. The initiative has since expanded big time, traveling beyond Telluride to California, Florida, Wisconsin, Texas, Arizona and Aspen.
“When I think of my experience with RRA through the years, I think of a quote I often share with students who are trying to figure out ‘what they are doing with their lives’. The quote happens to be from the Buddha, who said, ‘Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart give yourself to it.’
The Rock and Roll Academy program is best encapsulated as a music-based collaborative rock band model that focuses on social and emotional learning. In that important work, Galbo is ably assisted by Brett Neuman, facilitator, who defines his role as “modeling kindness, respect, and inquisitiveness.”
In this episode, Mark Galbo and I discuss the importance of creating a sacred space for children to explore their inner self through art and creativity.
“The learner in your classroom isn’t looking for an expert. Your learner is looking for someone who will accept them, draw out their own knowing, and witness them standing in their power as an autonomous human being. This is our highest calling as educators.”
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Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you? Please contact Marla and share your story.
Thank you!