#227: Spiritual Returnees: Children as Guides and Conduits for Positive Change

Episode 2: Unveiling Spiritual Dimensions with Lesley Joan Lupo

Introduction In the second riveting episode of "Interviews With Innocence," host Marla delves deeper into the extraordinary life and work of Lesley Joan Lupo. This episode promises to unravel the mysteries of spirituality, consciousness, and the healing power of intuition through Lesley's transformative experiences and wisdom.

Episode Highlights

Rekindling Intuitive Wisdom: Early Influences and Education Lesley Joan Lupo's journey began in the bustling city of Chicago, where she was nurtured by a close-knit family. Her academic pursuits took her to Albuquerque, NM, where she excelled in Psychology and Studio Art. It was during this time that Lesley began to reconnect with her intuitive abilities, guided by a diverse array of spiritual mentors, from Native American Medicine people to a West African Shaman and a Wiccan High Priestess. These early influences laid the foundation for her profound understanding of spirituality and consciousness.

A Brush with the Beyond: Lesley's Near-Death Experience Lesley's life took a dramatic turn when she narrowly escaped death in a horse stampede. This near-death experience (NDE) became a pivotal moment, propelling her to write "Remember, Every Breath is Precious." The book, celebrated by leading consciousness experts, offers an extraordinary glimpse into the afterlife and underscores the eternal nature of the soul. Lesley's account is not just a tale of survival but a testament to the enduring connection between life and the spiritual realm​ (Apple)​​ (Interviews with Innocence)​.

Guiding Souls: Lesley's Professional Journey With over two decades of experience, Lesley has become a beacon of light as an Intuitive Therapist at Canyon Ranch Resort in Arizona. In her role as the Spiritual Programs Coordinator, she has mastered various healing modalities, including NLP therapy and Reiki. Lesley's holistic approach has empowered countless individuals to achieve spiritual growth and transformation, solidifying her reputation as a leading intuitive therapist​ (Interviews with Innocence)​​ (Interviews With Innocence)​.

Empowering Through Education: Workshops and Teaching Lesley's passion for teaching is evident in her workshops focused on relationship enhancement and self-worth. Her signature workshop, "Light Your Path — Cultivate a Life of Self-Worth," is a favorite among many and is set to expand with a workbook and e-course. As an active member of the Tucson IANDS Steering Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Spirituality Leadership Council for Eternea, Lesley continues to influence and inspire. She also shares her insights on the psychology of religion and spirituality through guest lectures at the University of Arizona​ (Interviews With Innocence)​​ (Interviews with Innocence)​.

Special Insights: Houdini Kids and Healing the Planet In this episode, Lesley discusses the concept of "Houdini Kids," children who return to the earthly realm as spiritual guides and conduits for positive change, enlightenment, and forgiveness. This unique perspective highlights the role of young souls in the broader context of planetary healing and spiritual evolution​ (Interviews with Innocence)​.

Balancing Life and Passion: Personal Interests Outside her professional endeavors, Lesley is a mosaic and jewelry artist, a meditation enthusiast, and an avid organic gardener and beekeeper. She practices the art of "detachment" by passionately supporting her beloved Chicago sports teams. Residing in Tucson, AZ, Lesley continues to offer her intuitive guidance through her private practice, Light the Path​ (Apple)​​ (Interviews with Innocence)​.

Conclusion Join us for this captivating episode of "Interviews With Innocence" as we explore Lesley Joan Lupo's incredible journey. Her insights into the spiritual realm, intuitive therapies, and the continuity of consciousness promise to inspire and enlighten. Lesley's story is a profound reminder of the soul's journey and the boundless potential of intuitive healing.


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  • Connect with Marla Hughes of Interviews With Innocence:

Lesley lupo Information

Do you have a spiritual story or an experience that you have experienced or a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

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