In this special episode of "Interviews With Innocence," Marla Hughes delves into the profound insights of Peter Russell, a leading thinker in the field of consciousness studies and spiritual awakening.

Peter Russell, a celebrated author, and speaker, has dedicated his life to exploring the nature of consciousness and the profound shifts that occur within the human psyche. His journey began with a degree in theoretical physics, followed by studies in experimental psychology and computer science at the University of Cambridge. He later explored meditation and Eastern philosophy, which profoundly influenced his perspective on the interplay between science and spirituality.

In this captivating interview, Marla and Peter discuss the following topics:

  1. The Nature of Consciousness: Peter explains his views on consciousness and its fundamental role in our experience of reality.

  2. Spiritual Awakening: Insights into what it means to awaken spiritually and how this process can transform our lives.

  3. The Role of Meditation: How meditation can help us connect with our deeper selves and enhance our understanding of consciousness.

  4. The Science-Spirituality Connection: Peter shares his thoughts on bridging the gap between scientific inquiry and spiritual wisdom.

  5. Children and Spirituality: Drawing from his extensive knowledge, Peter discusses how children naturally embody spiritual truths and what we can learn from them.

  6. Overcoming Ego and Fear: Strategies for transcending the ego and overcoming fear to live a more fulfilling life.

  7. Future of Human Consciousness: Predictions and hopes for the evolution of human consciousness and society.

Marla's podcast, "Interviews With Innocence," was launched in 2019 out of her fascination with how children can reconnect us with our spiritual selves. Through her conversations with scientists, educators, spiritual guides, and more, she explores the healing power of spirituality and the continuity of consciousness. This episode with Peter Russell promises to be a profound journey into understanding the deeper aspects of our existence and the limitless potential of human consciousness.


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Peter Russell Information

Do you have a spiritual story or an experience that you have experienced or a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

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