#207 - Journey with Horses and Therapeutic Riding with Randi Shannahan

Episode Highlights:

  1. Journey to Hippotherapy: Randi shares her personal story of how her journey with horses and therapeutic riding began, exploring the roots of her passion.

  2. Childhood Reflections: Discover Randi's nature as a child - was she intuitive, spiritual, sensitive? How did these traits shape her career path?

  3. The Shea Center's Programs: An overview of the various programs offered at the Shea Center and how they cater to different needs.

  4. The Healing Energy of Horses: Insight into the significant role of horses' energy in therapy and the profound impact they have on clients.

  5. Life Lessons from Horses and Clients: Randi reflects on her learnings from working closely with horses and clients, and the personal transformation she has experienced.

  6. Children's Stories: Heartwarming anecdotes from children who've participated in the program, highlighting their experiences and takeaways.

  7. Transformative Impact: Stories showcasing the physical and emotional evolution of children engaged in equine therapy.

  8. Children and Animals: Discussing the potential benefits all children could gain from interactions with animals, whether through therapy or as pets.

  9. Lessons from Horses: Exploring the wisdom and learnings that horses can impart to us.

  10. Words of Wisdom: Randi shares her profound insights and advice, drawing from her rich experience in hippotherapy.

Professional Bio:
Randi Shannahan, PT, DPT, HPCS, is a distinguished therapy services manager at The Shea Center in San Juan Capistrano, CA. Specializing in hippotherapy, she utilizes her expertise to treat children and adults with diverse diagnoses. With 8 years of clinical experience across various care settings, Dr. Shannahan's dedication extends to her role as an adjunct faculty member at Azusa Pacific University and as a gold standard tester and trainer for cerebral palsy-related assessments at UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine.

Randi Shannahan

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