#194 Enchanting Odyssey With PMH Atwater
P. M. H. Atwater, L.H.D. is one of the original researchers in the field of near-death studies, having begun her work in 1978. She has written fifteen books on her findings - the last, "Near-Death Experiences: The Rest of the Story," a wrap-up of her near-death findings along with her theory about transformations of consciousness - covering 43 years of work both with near-death experiencers and those who had an intense spiritual transformation (covering nearly 7,000 child and adult experiencers). Some of her findings in the near-death field have been verified in clinical studies, among them the prospective study done in Holland and published in Lancet Medical Journal, 12-15-01. Her "The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences," brought the entire field of near-death studies uptodate worldwide, and was featured in an online version of Newsweek Magazine. Her latest, Dying to Know You: Proof of God in the Near-Death Experience, is a summary of experiencer voices speaking their word, their truth, what they learned.
In 2005, she was awarded the Outstanding Service Award from the International Association For Near-Death Studies (IANDS), and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists (NATH), as well as an honorary Ph.D. from a school in Sri Lanka. In 2010, she was also awarded the Nancy E. Bush Award for Literary Excellence and the Lifetime Achievement and Special Services Award, both from IANDS. She has presented her findings for many organizations and schools, including twice at the United Nations, and as a guest on such TV shows as Geraldo, Regis and Kathie Lee, Larry King Live, Sally Jessy Raphael, and Entertainment Tonight. Her books have been published in over 12 countries.
Also a generational researcher, she has completed “Children of the Fifth World: A Guide to the Coming Changes in Human Consciousness (due out in Fall, 2012), “Beyond the Indigo Children," and “The New Children and Near-Death Experiences. Her story as an experiencer of near-death states - I Died Three Times in 1977 - The Complete Story - is available at Amazon.com. A prayer chaplin, visionary counselor, wife, mother, grandmother, her website is filled with many services and features, among them The Marketplace - where near-death experiencers and those like them can promote their products and services without any charge to them. Her monthly newsletters are free to those who sign up on www.pmhatwater.com.
In today's episode, I am thrilled to welcome the renowned PMH Atwater once again to the show, where she will discuss her latest book centered around her life story. In her eloquent narrative, PMH artfully weaves together her personal journey, abundant experiences, and their profound impact on her life. She also generously imparts the wisdom she has acquired through over four decades of diligent research, which encompasses an impressive corpus of more than 4,000 client sessions.
“A vast majority (of NDEers) never lose their sense of home.”
”They really are different because their brains formed differently.”
”They’re bringing that knowledge and openness with them.”
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