#12 Using Quietness to Create a Sacred Space with Lacy Borgo

Lacy Finn Borgo teaches and provides spiritual direction for the Renovaré Institute and is the the DMin (Doctor of Ministry) in Spiritual Direction at Fuller Theological Seminary and at Portland Seminary. Lacy provides spiritual direction for adults and children through Good Dirt Ministries and provides spiritual direction for children at Haven House, a transitional facility for the homeless. Listen to the story of Lacy’s spiritual journey, from her early years in west Texas, to the inner city schools of New York, and then to a simpler life in Colorado where she continued to expand her ministry and her work with young children. This remarkable woman recognizes the immensity of the divine gift that we share when we can sit with children and quietly listen without expectations or judgement. Tune in for another awakening episode of Interviews with Innocence!

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  • 0:47 Meet Lacy Finn Borgo

  • 1:47 The start of the spiritual journey

  • 4:46 Lacy’s early education and direction

  • 5:30 The story of Christopher, a young New York inner city child

  • 8:45 The gift of “listening another person to life”, and being fully present

  • 11:05 You don’t always need words to understand, one’s presence can be enough

  • 11:50 The move to Colorado, and the gift of time and space

  • 15:50 Getting in touch with one’s childhood self - an exercise to try

  • 17:00 Describing “soul pings”, or “pings of the Divine”

  • 18:45   Talking to children about prayer

  • 21:30    How the dimensions of the self become integrated during different life stages

  • 22:30    Lacy’s work at Haven House, a homeless transitional facility

  • 24:00 Getting rid of the “shoulds” when listening to children.            

  • 24:25 B.O.W - Body, Openess and Awareness - how to listen to children

  • 26:15 Introducing the new book

  • 29:55   Holy leisure - using quietness to create a sacred space

  • 30:45   More about Lacy’s book

  • 31:40   Lacy’s greatest lesson from children - being open to mystery, wonder, awe and beauty

  • 32:40 Rewiring the brain by daydreaming and looking at clouds

  • 35:14   Final thoughts about the wisdom of children

I knew I wasn’t alone, and I had a sense that I was loved.
— Lacy Borgo, at 5 Years Old
A spiritual direction is really a practice of accompanying another as they become awake to the divine.
— Lacy Borgo
We’re really moving in a spiral, into the heart and the divine.
— Lacy Borgo

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Do you have a spiritual story or an experience that you have experienced or a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

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