#102 Bringing through Beautiful Messages from Another Dimension with Kevin Lewis

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From my earliest of childhood memories, I have had the ability to communicate with spirit. My mediumship, psychic, and healing abilities have continued to unveil with each day and experience. My deepest intention is to help others, an intention that is so deep rooted I consider it my calling. Considered an natural born empath and healer, I rely on and trust that spirit will always provide you with what is needed most. Whether it’s a message from a loved one, psychic guidance, or deep healing, my unwavering integrity and commitment to spirit and my clients, will leave you impacted by their love.

In today’s episode, Kevin and I discuss the beautiful messages he receives from other dimensions as a healing medium.

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Do you have a spiritual story or an experience that you have experienced or a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!