#32 The Forever Angels - Children and the Near Death-Experience With PMH Atwater
Dr. P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. is an international authority on near death experiences. A survivor of 3 near-death episodes herself, she has completed over 44 years of research on the subject, and has written 18 books, including her most recent book, “The Forever Angels: Near Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact”. In her quest for knowledge she has interviewed over 5000 people, including young children who have had such experiences, and older adults who have lived their lives after NDEs. Her immersion in the topic has led her to the firm belief that the near-death experience is not an anomaly, but part of a consciousness transformation or “brain shift”.
In this interview, you will learn about the many ways that people who have experienced NDEs, particularly the very young, experience the world differently than the rest of us. Dr. Atwater’s enthusiasm for her subject knows no bounds!
“A vast majority (of NDEers) never lose their sense of home.”
”They really are different because their brains formed differently.”
”They’re bringing that knowledge and openness with them.”
Dr. Atwater describes the in-depth research she has done on people experiencing NDEs.
Her most recent book is “The Forever Angels: Near Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact”.
Children process near-death experiences much differently than adults do. Without a sense of what life was like prior to an NDE, they have no sense of “before”.
She describes some of the challenges these children have as they try to compensate for their experience, including trouble bonding with family, fitting in at school and with friends.
An early NDE is like a “jump-start” to the brain, and to the sensory system.
PMH provides fascinating statistics about the IQs of many NDEers.
Sadly, many NDEers experience suicidal ideation as they long to “go back”, in spite of outward appearances of success.
P.M.H. suggests ways for early NDEers to reinforce and validate their experiences, including the use of visualization, and by “writing their book”.
P.M.H. talked about IANDS (International Association for Near Death Experiences) and the incredible work they are doing as a global community to provide access to information about NDEs.
Marla announced the upcoming IANDS live online conference taking place of August 14 to August 16. PMS Atwater will be speaking at the conference on Augest 15th from 10AM to 11AM PST. Click HERE for a link to the conference website.
There is much more information regarding NDEs and more on Dr. Atwater’s website, including links to her books as well as a free monthly newsletter.
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Dr. Atwater’s Website
IANDS Website
IANDS Conference Website
Dr. Atwater’s most recent book: The Forever Angels: Near Death Experiences in Childhood and Their Lifelong Impact
Dr. Atwater’s Free Monthly Newsletter
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Do you have a spiritual story or an experience that you have experienced or a young child has shared with you? Please contact Marla and share your story.
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