Ukrainian Refugee Circus Magic, Fundraiser Organized by Carly Hodes

I am so excited to be traveling to Poland later this month to spend time with the beautiful people and children from the Ukraine. Below is a message from my daughter Carly who is putting together a fundraiser for our trip.

Hello! My name is Carly Hodes and my mother and I are gathering funds for our trip to Poland, where we will be putting on a small circus with a group of Ukrainian refugee children. On her podcast Interviews with Innocence, my mom reads what are described as ‘war diaries,’ which are journal entries from a couple (Amber and Paul Kieniewicz) in Poland who have housed countless Ukrainian refugee families and provided them with food, community, and a temporary home. In affiliation with our philanthropic hosts, we will be staying with Amber and Paul and working with the children to create a story that they will perform interwoven with circus acts such as juggling, dancing, and singing. Our goal is to provide an artistic outlet for these young souls and encourage lightness and hope during these dark and unprecedented times. The magic of circus and theater cannot be achieved without the help of your donations that will go towards travel, costumes, supplies for props/set design, and small instruments/trinkets for our band that will play alongside the performers. We so appreciate your help and I will be posting updates on my Instagram, @hodesart

You can also donate to Amber and Paul on their website

I will also be sharing documentation of our process and of the show!

Click Here to Donate



Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#156 How Arts, Creativity, and Spirituality Are Interwoven With Annalisa Burello

Following a fifteen year career in Investment Banking, Annalisa Burello retrained as a visual artist, attaining a BA in Photography at the University of Westminster in 2019. Currently, she is completing a Master’s degree in Anthropology – Religion in the Contemporary World at the London School of Economics. In 2021, the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology published her paper Awakening Experiences in Non-religious Contexts: Expanding the Ontology of Spirituality to Art and Nature as an independent scholar. In March 2022, with two other collaborators, Annalisa launched the Spirituality and the Arts Special Interest Group, a new initiative under the aegis of the International Network for the Studies of Spirituality. The aim of this initiative is to deepen our scholarly understanding of the relationship between the arts and the spiritual realm.

Annalisa discovered her thirst for spiritual learning after reading the book The Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron, where the author makes an explicit and direct link between artistic creativity and spiritual exercises. These investigations brought her to inquire and later adopt meditation and yoga as a body-mind practice to access, release and sustain her own creativity. Her mission now is to promote the spiritual dimension of artistic practices for the general public and to support the creativity of budding art students through spiritual practices. 

In today’s episode, Annalisa Burello shares her insights on the beauty of art, creative energy, and the important role it plays in fostering a connection to our spirituality.


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Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#155 I've Been Here Before with Linda Backman

Psychologist, researcher, author, and hypnotic regression therapist Dr. Linda Backman has been in private practice for over 40 years. Through hypnotic regression, she has guided thousands of clients to access their past lives and the time between lives, helping them to surface and understand the challenges of their souls which are repeated life to life. Dr. Backman conducts training courses on past life and between lives regression. Convinced that our collective healing has an impact on the evolution of humanity and the unity of all peoples, she has made the understanding of the soul her priority. Linda studied with and co-taught w/Dr. Michael Newton.

Dr. Backman is a frequent guest on radio shows (including Coast to Coast AM w/George Noory) and has been featured as a reincarnation expert on the Dr. Oz program. She frequently conducts workshops and makes presentations throughout the U.S. and abroad and continues to deepen her understanding of human evolution and consciousness through her ongoing regression practice. Dr. Backman founded the RavenHeart Center in Boulder, Colorado in 1997, where she regularly teaches the practice of soul regression hypnotherapy to practitioners. She is deeply focused on the development of a universal understanding and awareness of soul evolution. Dr. Backman is the author of Bringing Your Soul to Light (Llewellyn, 2009), The Evolving Soul (Llewellyn, 2014), and Souls on Earth (Llewellyn 2018). Her books have been translated into several languages.

In today’s episode, Dr. Linda Backman shares her fascinating findings through her work as a past life regression therapist about reality and the purpose of continuity of consciousness. Linda sheds light on how understanding past lives can help an individual obtain a better sense of who they truly are.


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Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#154 The Global Consciousness Project with Roger Nelson

Roger Nelson, PhD, is Director of the Global Consciousness Project (GCP). He studied physics and sculpture at the University of Rochester, and experimental psychology at New York University and Columbia. He is the author or co-author of 100 technical papers and three books: Connected: The Emergence of Global Consciousness, Der Welt-Geist: wie wir alle miteinander verbunden sind, and Die Welt-Kraft in Dir (German) with Georg Kindel. He was Professor of Psychology at Johnson State College in northern Vermont, and in 1980 joined Princeton University's PEAR lab to coordinate research. His focus is on mental interactions, anomalous information transfer, and effects on random systems by individuals and groups. He created the GCP in 1997, building a world-spanning random number generator network designed to gather evidence of coalescing global consciousness. He lives in Princeton, NJ, USA, and his website is

In today’s episode, Roger Nelson shares his fascinating research surrounding human consciousness and how science teaches us that love truly connects us all.


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Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#153 Part 10: Diary of a Compassionate Polish Couple Welcoming 30 Ukrainian Refugees Into Their Home to Flee the War

Today I am honored to continue reading the war diaries, a compilation of small essays by Amber Kieniewicz detailing the experiences, emotions, and lessons learned from hosting Ukrainian people, primarily mothers and children, as the war continues to destroy their home country.

Note from Amber and Paul:

We are opening our house this season to receive Ukrainian refugees. We can accommodate up to 40 people in en-suite bedrooms . As of now, we are housing 35 refugees. We provide for their food, shelter, warmth, psychological and medical help.

A Polish border guard assists Ukrainian refugees as they arrive to Poland, on February 26. (Czarek Sokolowski/AP)

We thank everyone for who has generously donated to cover our expenses.

Our Polish bank details are:

Account owner: Sichowska Fundacja Edukacyjna

Sichow Duży 88, 28-236 Rytwiany, Poland

Bank Name: Bank Współdzielcy w Staszowie

Address: Kościelna 25, 28-200 Staszów

Swift Code: POLUPLPR

IBAN PL60 9431 0005 2001 0027 1367 0003

Account number :60 9431 0005 2001 0027 1367 0003

You can also donate via PayPal :

When using PayPal, before you hit the send button, make sure that

you toggle on the option of a gift to friends or family. In your comments

include the word “Ukraine”. Do not use the goods/services option.

Thank you for your generosity

Paul and Amber Kieniewicz


was born in Scotland. He holds university degrees in astronomy and in geophysics. His studies include diverse subjects such as astronomy, geology, the Gaia Theory, consciousness studies and gnostic christianity. He is the co-author (with Andrew Glazewski) of Harmony of the Universe and science fiction novels Gaia’s Children and Immortality Machine. He is currently a Board Member of the Scientific and Medical Network and co-editor of Paradigm Explorer. Along with his wife Amber, he is presently managing Sichów House and Library, located 20 km from Wójcza, the birthplace of his mother, Rose Popiel.


is a long time student of Jungian psychology and former Program Manager of the Jung Centre Houston. She is a graduate of the Edward Albee Advanced Playwriting Master’s Class, 1998-2001, University of Houston School of Theatre and Dance. Her plays include, Walking Zoe (2001), The Sweet Smell of Ligustrum (2010) and The Ecstasy of Mary Magdalene (2015). Her interest in protecting aesthetics, especially poetry against the strong tide of materialism, is central to her work.

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Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#152 Part 9: Diary of a Compassionate Polish Couple Welcoming 30 Ukrainian Refugees Into Their Home to Flee the War

Today I am honored to continue reading the war diaries, a compilation of small essays by Amber Kieniewicz detailing the experiences, emotions, and lessons learned from hosting Ukrainian people, primarily mothers and children, as the war continues to destroy their home country.

Note from Amber and Paul:

We are opening our house this season to receive Ukrainian refugees. We can accommodate up to 40 people in en-suite bedrooms . As of now, we are housing 35 refugees. We provide for their food, shelter, warmth, psychological and medical help.

A Polish border guard assists Ukrainian refugees as they arrive to Poland, on February 26. (Czarek Sokolowski/AP)

We thank everyone for who has generously donated to cover our expenses.

Our Polish bank details are:

Account owner: Sichowska Fundacja Edukacyjna

Sichow Duży 88, 28-236 Rytwiany, Poland

Bank Name: Bank Współdzielcy w Staszowie

Address: Kościelna 25, 28-200 Staszów

Swift Code: POLUPLPR

IBAN PL60 9431 0005 2001 0027 1367 0003

Account number :60 9431 0005 2001 0027 1367 0003

You can also donate via PayPal :

When using PayPal, before you hit the send button, make sure that

you toggle on the option of a gift to friends or family. In your comments

include the word “Ukraine”. Do not use the goods/services option.

Thank you for your generosity

Paul and Amber Kieniewicz


was born in Scotland. He holds university degrees in astronomy and in geophysics. His studies include diverse subjects such as astronomy, geology, the Gaia Theory, consciousness studies and gnostic christianity. He is the co-author (with Andrew Glazewski) of Harmony of the Universe and science fiction novels Gaia’s Children and Immortality Machine. He is currently a Board Member of the Scientific and Medical Network and co-editor of Paradigm Explorer. Along with his wife Amber, he is presently managing Sichów House and Library, located 20 km from Wójcza, the birthplace of his mother, Rose Popiel.


is a long time student of Jungian psychology and former Program Manager of the Jung Centre Houston. She is a graduate of the Edward Albee Advanced Playwriting Master’s Class, 1998-2001, University of Houston School of Theatre and Dance. Her plays include, Walking Zoe (2001), The Sweet Smell of Ligustrum (2010) and The Ecstasy of Mary Magdalene (2015). Her interest in protecting aesthetics, especially poetry against the strong tide of materialism, is central to her work.

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Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#151 A Blueprint for the Human Spirit with Dr. Pamela Gerali

A visionary and pioneer in spiritual growth and transformation, Dr. Pamela Gerali shares life-changing experiences and insights with clarity and humor.

She captivates readers and audiences with wisdom and practical guidance from the Blueprint for the Human Spirit®, her holistic model for conscious and compassionate living. She is an architect for the human spirit.

Pamela is a Registered Nurse with a Master’s Degree in Public Health and a Doctorate in Holistic Health Sciences.

She is uniquely qualified to present teachings from the Blueprint since it evolved in harmony with her transformation. She utilizes her creativity and amazing gifts to encourage others to live authentically and purposefully in alignment with their inner truth. Her transforming experiences and training background in nursing allow her to speak from the heart with authority.

Pamela is an:

• Empowering Author – Shares captivating experiences and offers transforming guidance with remarkable clarity

• Intuitive Healer – Reveals life-changing insights through one-on-one Spiritual Blueprinting sessions

• Inspirational Speaker – Engages audiences with dynamic, humorous and compelling experiences

• Illuminating Leadership Mentor – Guides individuals and organizations to envision and enhance their impact and outreach

In today’s special episode, Pamela Gerali shares the evolution of her spirituality and how turning inward opened her heart to a universe of divine guidance. She beautifully details some of the soul lessons spirit has taught her and how these lessons have helped her return to a pure childlike state of love.


You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review

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Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#150 Learning the Reality of the Afterlife on the Other Side of the Veil

I have the incredible honor of having Sonia Rinaldi on today’s episode. Sonia shares her evidential findings of the afterlife and the transformative impact this information can have on the consciousness of humanity. This episode contains a visual presentation which you can find on our YouTube channel through the following link:

Brazilian researcher Sonia Rinaldi, M.S., is helping people connect with loved ones in the afterlife by recording their voices. Having audio and video recordings of people living in the afterlife alleviates the bereavement of parents, spouses, and other loved ones grieving for someone who has died. And the tangible records of the voices and images of people now living in the afterlife provide compelling evidence that life continues after the body dies. That realization changes the people who hear and see their deceased loved ones and their attitude toward the normal life transition called death. As more people experience connecting with loved ones in this way, and as the audio and video recordings are broadcast and disseminated, people will realize that life doesn’t end at the transition from the earth. That realization will change people’s attitudes toward themselves and others and eventually change humankind.


You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review

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Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#149 Part 8: Diary of a Compassionate Polish Couple Welcoming 30 Ukrainian Refugees Into Their Home to Flee the War

Today I am honored to continue reading the war diaries, a compilation of small essays by Amber Kieniewicz detailing the experiences, emotions, and lessons learned from hosting Ukrainian people, primarily mothers and children, as the war continues to destroy their home country.

Note from Amber and Paul:

We are opening our house this season to receive Ukrainian refugees. We can accommodate up to 40 people in en-suite bedrooms . As of now, we are housing 35 refugees. We provide for their food, shelter, warmth, psychological and medical help.

A Polish border guard assists Ukrainian refugees as they arrive to Poland, on February 26. (Czarek Sokolowski/AP)

We thank everyone for who has generously donated to cover our expenses.

Our Polish bank details are:

Account owner: Sichowska Fundacja Edukacyjna

Sichow Duży 88, 28-236 Rytwiany, Poland

Bank Name: Bank Współdzielcy w Staszowie

Address: Kościelna 25, 28-200 Staszów

Swift Code: POLUPLPR

IBAN PL60 9431 0005 2001 0027 1367 0003

Account number :60 9431 0005 2001 0027 1367 0003

You can also donate via PayPal :

When using PayPal, before you hit the send button, make sure that

you toggle on the option of a gift to friends or family. In your comments

include the word “Ukraine”. Do not use the goods/services option.

Thank you for your generosity

Paul and Amber Kieniewicz


was born in Scotland. He holds university degrees in astronomy and in geophysics. His studies include diverse subjects such as astronomy, geology, the Gaia Theory, consciousness studies and gnostic christianity. He is the co-author (with Andrew Glazewski) of Harmony of the Universe and science fiction novels Gaia’s Children and Immortality Machine. He is currently a Board Member of the Scientific and Medical Network and co-editor of Paradigm Explorer. Along with his wife Amber, he is presently managing Sichów House and Library, located 20 km from Wójcza, the birthplace of his mother, Rose Popiel.


is a long time student of Jungian psychology and former Program Manager of the Jung Centre Houston. She is a graduate of the Edward Albee Advanced Playwriting Master’s Class, 1998-2001, University of Houston School of Theatre and Dance. Her plays include, Walking Zoe (2001), The Sweet Smell of Ligustrum (2010) and The Ecstasy of Mary Magdalene (2015). Her interest in protecting aesthetics, especially poetry against the strong tide of materialism, is central to her work.

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Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#148 Somewhere Over the Rainbow With Renowned UK Medium Bill Thomson

William Thomson bio:

I was born and raised in Glasgow, and have been aware of the spirit world from the age of 10. My introduction into Spiritualism was through a friend’s mother who was a medium. I went to my first service at Kilmarnock Spiritualist church when I was 12 years old.

Until the age of 16, I stayed most weekends at my friend’s home and there had my introduction into how the spirit world communicates, firstly by being taught how to use psychometry, which is the reading of an object and then later connecting with the spirit world.

I left Glasgow at the age of 16 and joined the army where I stayed for 14 years.

After the passing of my parents, I returned to Glasgow and joined the Glasgow Association of Spiritualists where I develop my abilities as a medium. I served on the committee for many years as a member, vice president then President.

As a Minister of the Spiritualist National Union, which is the highest appointment within the SNU, I have achieved a great variety of awards of the Spiritualist National Union, holding Diplomas in Teaching, Public Speaking and academic B - Foundation, as well as Certificates of Recognition Teaching, Healing, Public Speaking and Demonstration. Long Service Award.

I am a Course Organiser and approved tutor of the Arthur Findlay College in Stansted near London.

My passion is in the teachings of Spirit, and helping others to experience this joy by carrying out services, seminars, private readings and private healing. My reward is working with others and seeing the joy in their faces as they develop an understanding of the mechanics of their mediumship and feeling the spirit world close to them.

I have a very special conversation with renowned UK medium, Bill Thomson on today’s episode. Bill shares with us how the events in his life unfolded that ultimately led him to a powerful connection with the spirit world and the beautiful soul lessons he has learned along the way. His message is inspiring, beautiful, and most of all, healing.

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Click HERE to visit Bill’s Website



Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#147 Celebrating the Wisdom and Magic of Our Young Children With Jenny Adams

Jenny’s bio:

I’ve been a Shamanic Wellness Practitioner and Transformation Coach for over 15 years. It is my honor to guide you into Divine Self remembrance and reclaim Sacred wisdom that may have been forgotten in the amnesia of Earth Culture.

Shamanism? Really? How did that happen?

I was born in Perth, Western Australia as a highly sensitive empath and naturally held an understanding of the 'non-physical’ realms of consciousness. In my early teen years, my family moved to the United States and life began to unravel with the onset of family trauma. To emotionally survive, I tried to ‘turn down’ my intuition by funneling all my energies into competitive gymnastics. Sport became my life raft. But, at age 17, I suffered a broken back in a gymnastics competition and my life raft began to sink. Once unable to exercise, my body morphed into 'the fat suit' and I found myself in the war zone battling depression, anxiety, shameful thoughts, and deep in the binge/starve cycle of eating disorders. In an attempt to heal, I decided to reject expected scholarly pursuits and instead went on a spiritual walkabout to heal my soul's wounding.

In the years that followed, I trained with Priestesses and Shamans from many indigenous traditions, transpersonal psychologists, hypnotherapists, neuroscientists, and breath workers. As my own healing progressed, I began to channel different Goddess frequencies and developed a system of healing called The Feminine Frequency. This work guides individuals to release the conditioned pain/shame body, reclaim the shadow, and maximize the feminine-masculine balance within their own psyche. As an experienced transformation coach and facilitator, I draw upon my diverse training and life experience to look deep into your Soul plan, distill practical tools for self-transformation, and reignite authentic soulful living practices.

Together we peal the layers of the non-self through cutting edge nutrition therapy, guided dynamic breathwork, pointed and powerful meditations, Soul Regression hypnosis, and get your higher self back in the driver seat of your life.



• B.S Neruo-Psychology & Comparative Religious Studies - University of Colorado

• Master Gardener, Permaculture Design

• Holistic Nutrition Counselor - Institute of Integrative Nutrition, New York

• Certified Soul Regression Hypnotherapist (PLSR & BLSR)

• Experienced Reiki Master and Teacher,

• Experienced Shamanic Wellness Practitioner

• Certified Massage Therapist - MTIC, Colorado

• Biodynamic Breath work and Trauma Release System - Level 4 Facilitator

I have a beautiful conversation with Jenny Adams on today's episode about the wisdom children bring into the world and how we as adults can learn to reconnect with our inner child essence.

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Click HERE to visit The Spirit Root website.



Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#146 Akashic Records, the Cosmos, Life After Life and More With Carole Obley

Acclaimed spiritual medium and popular author Carole J. Obley has been the bridge between heaven and earth in over 14,000 group and individual readings. Names, descriptions of loved ones' personalities and uncanny, validating details as well as grief support and teachings about the afterlife are typically delivered in her readings. An advanced intuitive, she also regularly delivers specific, practical guidance in readings about many life issues, including relationships, business and spirituality. She is recognized by readers and clients alike for bringing compassion and integrity to mediumship by her sincere intent to be of service to others through her talents and experience.

Ms. Obley is a guest of George Noory's on Coast to Coast radio as well as numerous other shows where she gives interviews and live on-air readings. In addition to maintaining a private practice in mediumship nationally, she presents seminars and workshops in person and through online teachings. She's taught many workshops at Lilydale, N.Y., the largest US center for spiritualism. She may be contacted through her website:

I have the honor of sharing my conversation with Carole in today's episode. Carole beautifully shares some of the greatest lessons she has learned through spirit and how these messages can help us all live loving, beautiful lives. Enjoy!

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Click HERE to visit Carole’s website.

Click HERE to visit Carole’s professional Facebook page



Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#145 The Beauty of a Shared Death Experience With William Peters

William Peters, M.Ed, MFT, is the founder of the Shared Crossing Project whose mission is to positively transform relationships to death and dying through education and raising awareness about shared crossings and their healing benefits. As the director of the Shared Crossing Research Initiative (SCRI), William and his team collect and study extraordinary end-of-life experiences (shared crossings). William is a global leader in shared death studies and end-of-life phenomenon. He has developed methods to facilitate the shared death experience and to assist experiencers in meaningfully integrating their experiences. William is a psychotherapist at the Family Therapy Institute of Santa Barbara where he specializes in end-of-life counseling as a means toward psycho-spiritual evolution. He served as a hospice worker with Zen Hospice Project in San Francisco. His work is informed by his two NDEs and a variety of shared crossings. William has presented at the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine’s Annual Conference. William’s work has appeared in the American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine and in Omega - Journal of Death Studies. William’s book entitled At Heaven’s Door: What Shared Journeys to the Afterlife Teach About Dying Well and Living Better, published by Simon & Schuster. For more information on William go to or

In today’s episode, William Peters shares with us some of his research on the shared death experience and what it can teach us about the mysteries of life.

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Click HERE to visit William Peters' website.

Click HERE to visit the Shared Crossing website.



Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#144 An Important Conversation With Dr. Raymond Moody and Lisa Smartt

Dr. Moody is a bestselling author of twelve books, including Life after Life and Reunions, which have sold over 13 million copies worldwide. He has also authored numerous academic and professional articles on near-death experiences and the relationship of language to consciousness. Dr. Moody continues to draw enormous public interest with his ground-breaking works on the near-death experience and other transpersonal aspects of grief and the dying process.

Award-Winning Author – Raymond Moody received the World Humanitarian Award in Denmark in 1988. He was also honored with a bronze medal in the Human Relations category at the New York Film Festival for the movie version of Life After Life.

World-Renowned Scholar and Researcher

– M.D. from the Medical College of Georgia
– Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Virginia
– M.A. in philosophy from the University of Virginia
– B.A. with Honors in philosophy from the University of Virginia

Dr. Moody is the leading authority on the ‘“near-death experience’”— a phrase he coined in the late seventies. Dr. Moody’s research into the phenomenon of near-death experience had its start in the 1960’s. The New York Times calls him “the father of the near-death experience.”

Dynamic Lecturer – Dr. Moody has enlightened and entertained audiences
all over the world for over four decades. He offers a variety of lecture/workshop presentations on the topics of: life after life experience , near-death experiences, death with dignity, life after loss, surviving grief & finding hope, visionary encounters with departed loved ones, the healing power of humor, the loss
of children, language and consciousness, and catastrophic tragedy causing collective grief.

Expert Trainer and Instructor – Dr. Moody trains hospice workers, clergy, psychologists, nurses, doctors, and other medical professionals on matters of grief recovery and dying.

Featured Expert in the Media – Dr. Moody has appeared three times
on Oprah, as well as on hundreds of other local and nationally syndicated programs such as MSNBC: Grief Recovery, NBC Today, ABC’s Turning
Point, Donahue, Sally Jessy Raphael Show, Geraldo, and The Joan Rivers Show.

Lisa Smartt, MA, is a linguist, book coach, and writer. She is the author of Words at the Threshold: What We Say When We’re Nearing Death (New World Library 2017). The book is

Based on data collected through The Final Words Project,, an on-going study devoted to gathering and interpreting the mysterious language at end of life. She has worked closely with Raymond Moody, guided by his research into language, particularly unintelligible speech. They have co-facilitated presentations about language and consciousness at universities, hospices and conferences. Lisa has also written Cante Bardo, Veil, Diet for a Broken Heart and Lessons in Lullabies.


A person’s last words can often be enigmatic, confusing or powerfully meaningful; they can also offer tantalizing clues about the ultimate fate of the human soul. Until now, no author has systematically studied end-of-life communication by collecting and analyzing the final utterances of the terminally ill. When her father faced his final weeks, linguist Lisa Smartt began transcribing his conversations and noticed that both his language and personality underwent inexplicable changes. Smartt’s father, a skeptical man with a secular worldview, developed a deeply spiritual outlook in his final days — a change reflected in his last words. Baffled and intrigued, Smartt began to investigate the near-death utterances of others, collecting over a hundred case studies with interviews and transcripts. In Words at the Threshold, Smartt decodes the symbolism of those last words, showing how the language of the dying points the way to a transcendent world beyond our own.

In today’s episode, I am incredibly honored and humbled to interview Dr. Raymond Moody and Lisa Smartt. They so beautifully share with us a glimpse into their extensive research and the evidence that has made them believe in the continuity of consciousness. 

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Would you like to be featured as a guest on the Interviews with Innocence Podcast? Contact Us, and tell us a few words about yourself!     


Click HERE to visit the Life After Life Website.

Click HERE to visit the Final Words Project Website.

Raymond Moody’s books:

Lisa Smart’s Books:



Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#143 Part 7: Diary of a Compassionate Polish Couple Welcoming 30 Ukrainian Refugees Into Their Home to Flee the War

Today I am honored to continue reading the war diaries, a compilation of small essays by Amber Kieniewicz detailing the experiences, emotions, and lessons learned from hosting Ukrainian people, primarily mothers and children, as the war continues to destroy their home country.

Note from Amber and Paul:

We are opening our house this season to receive Ukrainian refugees. We can accommodate up to 40 people in en-suite bedrooms . As of now, we are housing 35 refugees. We provide for their food, shelter, warmth, psychological and medical help.

A Polish border guard assists Ukrainian refugees as they arrive to Poland, on February 26. (Czarek Sokolowski/AP)

We thank everyone for who has generously donated to cover our expenses.

Our Polish bank details are:

Account owner: Sichowska Fundacja Edukacyjna

Sichow Duży 88, 28-236 Rytwiany, Poland

Bank Name: Bank Współdzielcy w Staszowie

Address: Kościelna 25, 28-200 Staszów

Swift Code: POLUPLPR

IBAN PL60 9431 0005 2001 0027 1367 0003

Account number :60 9431 0005 2001 0027 1367 0003

You can also donate via PayPal :

When using PayPal, before you hit the send button, make sure that

you toggle on the option of a gift to friends or family. In your comments

include the word “Ukraine”. Do not use the goods/services option.

Thank you for your generosity

Paul and Amber Kieniewicz


was born in Scotland. He holds university degrees in astronomy and in geophysics. His studies include diverse subjects such as astronomy, geology, the Gaia Theory, consciousness studies and gnostic christianity. He is the co-author (with Andrew Glazewski) of Harmony of the Universe and science fiction novels Gaia’s Children and Immortality Machine. He is currently a Board Member of the Scientific and Medical Network and co-editor of Paradigm Explorer. Along with his wife Amber, he is presently managing Sichów House and Library, located 20 km from Wójcza, the birthplace of his mother, Rose Popiel.


is a long time student of Jungian psychology and former Program Manager of the Jung Centre Houston. She is a graduate of the Edward Albee Advanced Playwriting Master’s Class, 1998-2001, University of Houston School of Theatre and Dance. Her plays include, Walking Zoe (2001), The Sweet Smell of Ligustrum (2010) and The Ecstasy of Mary Magdalene (2015). Her interest in protecting aesthetics, especially poetry against the strong tide of materialism, is central to her work.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review

We do care what you think! What would YOU like to hear on the Interviews with Innocence Podcast? Click HERE to send us your thoughts.

Would you like to be featured as a guest on the Interviews with Innocence Podcast? Contact Us, and tell us a few words about yourself!     




Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#142 Part 6: Diary of a Compassionate Polish Couple Welcoming 30 Ukrainian Refugees Into Their Home to Flee the War

Today I am honored to continue reading the war diaries, a compilation of small essays by Amber Kieniewicz detailing the experiences, emotions, and lessons learned from hosting Ukrainian people, primarily mothers and children, as the war continues to destroy their home country.

Note from Amber and Paul:

We are opening our house this season to receive Ukrainian refugees. We can accommodate up to 40 people in en-suite bedrooms . As of now, we are housing 35 refugees. We provide for their food, shelter, warmth, psychological and medical help.

A Polish border guard assists Ukrainian refugees as they arrive to Poland, on February 26. (Czarek Sokolowski/AP)

We thank everyone for who has generously donated to cover our expenses.

Our Polish bank details are:

Account owner: Sichowska Fundacja Edukacyjna

Sichow Duży 88, 28-236 Rytwiany, Poland

Bank Name: Bank Współdzielcy w Staszowie

Address: Kościelna 25, 28-200 Staszów

Swift Code: POLUPLPR

IBAN PL60 9431 0005 2001 0027 1367 0003

Account number :60 9431 0005 2001 0027 1367 0003

You can also donate via PayPal :

When using PayPal, before you hit the send button, make sure that

you toggle on the option of a gift to friends or family. In your comments

include the word “Ukraine”. Do not use the goods/services option.

Thank you for your generosity

Paul and Amber Kieniewicz


was born in Scotland. He holds university degrees in astronomy and in geophysics. His studies include diverse subjects such as astronomy, geology, the Gaia Theory, consciousness studies and gnostic christianity. He is the co-author (with Andrew Glazewski) of Harmony of the Universe and science fiction novels Gaia’s Children and Immortality Machine. He is currently a Board Member of the Scientific and Medical Network and co-editor of Paradigm Explorer. Along with his wife Amber, he is presently managing Sichów House and Library, located 20 km from Wójcza, the birthplace of his mother, Rose Popiel.


is a long time student of Jungian psychology and former Program Manager of the Jung Centre Houston. She is a graduate of the Edward Albee Advanced Playwriting Master’s Class, 1998-2001, University of Houston School of Theatre and Dance. Her plays include, Walking Zoe (2001), The Sweet Smell of Ligustrum (2010) and The Ecstasy of Mary Magdalene (2015). Her interest in protecting aesthetics, especially poetry against the strong tide of materialism, is central to her work.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review

We do care what you think! What would YOU like to hear on the Interviews with Innocence Podcast? Click HERE to send us your thoughts.

Would you like to be featured as a guest on the Interviews with Innocence Podcast? Contact Us, and tell us a few words about yourself!     




Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#141 The Importance of Interweaving Spirituality and Education for Our Children with Dr. Amy Chapman

Dr. Amy Chapman is a Research Fellow at Teachers College, Columbia University where she uses qualitative approaches to understand how people define, develop, and change communities. She is also the Director for the Collaborative for Spirituality in Education, a research hub of Teachers College which examines spiritually-supportive schools and the impact of school culture on civic participation.

A New Jersey native, Amy spent many formative years in Boston. While there, she served for fifteen years in parish ministry, ten of which were spent as the Director of Faith Formation at St. Ignatius Church in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. Amy has spent considerable time in communities around the world which have deeply influenced her thinking and practice of education, including Dublin, Ireland; Camden, New Jersey; West Kingston, Jamaica; San Salvador, El Salvador; and most especially Tacna, Peru.

Amy has a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Education Technology (EPET) from Michigan State University's College of Education. She holds three degrees from Boston College: an A.B. in history and secondary education; an A.M. in Developmental and Educational Psychology; and a C.A.E.S. in Religious Education.

In today’s exciting episode with Dr. Amy Chapman, we discuss her “whole child” approach to education that seeks to address the spiritual needs of children in a more holistic way.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review

We do care what you think! What would YOU like to hear on the Interviews with Innocence Podcast? Click HERE to send us your thoughts.

Would you like to be featured as a guest on the Interviews with Innocence Podcast? Contact Us, and tell us a few words about yourself!     


Dr. Amy Chapman’s WEBSITE


All socials: @chapmaab 



Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#140 Part 5: Diary of a Compassionate Polish Couple Welcoming 30 Ukrainian Refugees Into Their Home to Flee the War

Today I am honored to continue reading the war diaries, a compilation of small essays by Amber Kieniewicz detailing the experiences, emotions, and lessons learned from hosting Ukrainian people, primarily mothers and children, as the war continues to destroy their home country.

Note from Amber and Paul:

We are opening our house this season to receive Ukrainian refugees. We can accommodate up to 40 people in en-suite bedrooms . As of now, we are housing 35 refugees. We provide for their food, shelter, warmth, psychological and medical help.

A Polish border guard assists Ukrainian refugees as they arrive to Poland, on February 26. (Czarek Sokolowski/AP)

We thank everyone for who has generously donated to cover our expenses.

Our Polish bank details are:

Account owner: Sichowska Fundacja Edukacyjna

Sichow Duży 88, 28-236 Rytwiany, Poland

Bank Name: Bank Współdzielcy w Staszowie

Address: Kościelna 25, 28-200 Staszów

Swift Code: POLUPLPR

IBAN PL60 9431 0005 2001 0027 1367 0003

Account number :60 9431 0005 2001 0027 1367 0003

You can also donate via PayPal :

When using PayPal, before you hit the send button, make sure that

you toggle on the option of a gift to friends or family. In your comments

include the word “Ukraine”. Do not use the goods/services option.

Thank you for your generosity

Paul and Amber Kieniewicz


was born in Scotland. He holds university degrees in astronomy and in geophysics. His studies include diverse subjects such as astronomy, geology, the Gaia Theory, consciousness studies and gnostic christianity. He is the co-author (with Andrew Glazewski) of Harmony of the Universe and science fiction novels Gaia’s Children and Immortality Machine. He is currently a Board Member of the Scientific and Medical Network and co-editor of Paradigm Explorer. Along with his wife Amber, he is presently managing Sichów House and Library, located 20 km from Wójcza, the birthplace of his mother, Rose Popiel.


is a long time student of Jungian psychology and former Program Manager of the Jung Centre Houston. She is a graduate of the Edward Albee Advanced Playwriting Master’s Class, 1998-2001, University of Houston School of Theatre and Dance. Her plays include, Walking Zoe (2001), The Sweet Smell of Ligustrum (2010) and The Ecstasy of Mary Magdalene (2015). Her interest in protecting aesthetics, especially poetry against the strong tide of materialism, is central to her work.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review

We do care what you think! What would YOU like to hear on the Interviews with Innocence Podcast? Click HERE to send us your thoughts.

Would you like to be featured as a guest on the Interviews with Innocence Podcast? Contact Us, and tell us a few words about yourself!     




Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#139 Humanities Pathway to Oneness with Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newell


Karen Newell is an author and specialist in personal development with a diverse body of work that rests upon the foundation of heart-centered consciousness. As an innovator in the emerging field of brainwave entrainment audio meditation, Karen empowers others in their journeys of self-discovery by demonstrating how to connect to inner guidance, achieve inspiration, improve wellness and develop intuition. She is co-founder of Sacred Acoustics, and co-author with Eben Alexander III, M.D. of Living in a Mindful Universe.


Eben Alexander, MD, was an academic neurosurgeon for over 25 years, including 15 years at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Children’s Hospital, and Harvard Medical School in Boston. He experienced a transcendental Near-Death Experience (NDE) during a week-long coma from an inexplicable brain infection that completely transformed his worldview. A pioneering scientist and modern thought leader in the emerging science that acknowledges the primacy of consciousness in the universe, he is the author of the New York Times #1 bestseller Proof of Heaven, The Map of Heaven and Living in a Mindful Universe. Revised 3.29.2021

In todays fascinating interview with Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newell we discuss some of life’s greatest questions surrounding consciousness and recognizing that we are much more than the physical reality we experience.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review

We do care what you think! What would YOU like to hear on the Interviews with Innocence Podcast? Click HERE to send us your thoughts.

Would you like to be featured as a guest on the Interviews with Innocence Podcast? Contact Us, and tell us a few words about yourself!     


Sacred Acoustics WEBSITE

Dr. Eben Alexander’s WEBSITE

Inner Sanctum Center WEBSITE



Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!

#138 Part 4: Diary of a Compassionate Polish Couple Welcoming 30 Ukrainian Refugees Into Their Home to Flee the War

Today I am honored to continue reading the war diaries, a compilation of small essays by Amber Kieniewicz detailing the experiences, emotions, and lessons learned from hosting Ukrainian people, primarily mothers and children, as the war continues to destroy their home country.

Note from Amber and Paul:

We are opening our house this season to receive Ukrainian refugees. We can accommodate up to 40 people in en-suite bedrooms . As of now, we are housing 35 refugees. We provide for their food, shelter, warmth, psychological and medical help.

A Polish border guard assists Ukrainian refugees as they arrive to Poland, on February 26. (Czarek Sokolowski/AP)

We thank everyone for who has generously donated to cover our expenses.

Our Polish bank details are:

Account owner: Sichowska Fundacja Edukacyjna

Sichow Duży 88, 28-236 Rytwiany, Poland

Bank Name: Bank Współdzielcy w Staszowie

Address: Kościelna 25, 28-200 Staszów

Swift Code: POLUPLPR

IBAN PL60 9431 0005 2001 0027 1367 0003

Account number :60 9431 0005 2001 0027 1367 0003

You can also donate via PayPal :

When using PayPal, before you hit the send button, make sure that

you toggle on the option of a gift to friends or family. In your comments

include the word “Ukraine”. Do not use the goods/services option.

Thank you for your generosity

Paul and Amber Kieniewicz


was born in Scotland. He holds university degrees in astronomy and in geophysics. His studies include diverse subjects such as astronomy, geology, the Gaia Theory, consciousness studies and gnostic christianity. He is the co-author (with Andrew Glazewski) of Harmony of the Universe and science fiction novels Gaia’s Children and Immortality Machine. He is currently a Board Member of the Scientific and Medical Network and co-editor of Paradigm Explorer. Along with his wife Amber, he is presently managing Sichów House and Library, located 20 km from Wójcza, the birthplace of his mother, Rose Popiel.


is a long time student of Jungian psychology and former Program Manager of the Jung Centre Houston. She is a graduate of the Edward Albee Advanced Playwriting Master’s Class, 1998-2001, University of Houston School of Theatre and Dance. Her plays include, Walking Zoe (2001), The Sweet Smell of Ligustrum (2010) and The Ecstasy of Mary Magdalene (2015). Her interest in protecting aesthetics, especially poetry against the strong tide of materialism, is central to her work.

You can Subscribe and Listen to the Podcast on Apple Podcasts. And while you’re there, please leave me a Rating and Review

We do care what you think! What would YOU like to hear on the Interviews with Innocence Podcast? Click HERE to send us your thoughts.

Would you like to be featured as a guest on the Interviews with Innocence Podcast? Contact Us, and tell us a few words about yourself!     




Have you had a spiritual experience? Do you have a story that a young child has shared with you?  Please contact Marla and share your story.

Thank you!